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The alarm rang with an ungodly loud noise.

Namjoon opened his eyes groggily. Unlike other days, he got almost an extra hour of sleep yet the permanent exhaustion that haunted his body screamed at him for opening his eyes.

Ignoring the headache that seemed to somehow increase, he took a shower and changed into clothes. It was really uncommon for the headache to to persist even after a sleep.

He could feel his eyes burning when he slowly descended downstairs with his bag that he packed the last night.

"Good morning, Appa. Good morning, Eomma," he said out loud with a forced smile. Maybe this would be the day when they would greet back. Unfortunately, all he recieved was a faint sound of acknowledgement before his father spoke up.

"We're leaving now. Be obedient and study. Hyein will be in the kitchen if you need something," he said. Within a few minutes, they were out of the house with only Namjoon sitting alone and their maid in the kitchen.

Namjoon really wanted to eat but even the smell of the food was making him nauseous. "Hyein noona, I'm late, I'll have to head out. Bye!"

"Joon-ah, your breakfast—"

"Not hungry."


The first class was History.

The teacher asked the students to take running notes. Most, with too much difficulty, managed to write a bit and the rest didn't even try. Afterall, they all knew Namjoon could never refuse if they asked for notes. The boy was too kind for his own good.

And Namjoon knew this.

He knew how dumb it was to take efforts to write notes only for bullies to threaten him or his classmates to beg like no other.

Finally, the bell rang and the teacher exited the class after announcing their homework.

"Namjoon Oppa! Can I copy off your notes today at the library?" A girl asked, smile sickly sweet.

Ahn Ji-min.
One of the prettiest girls in their grade. No one could refuse anything she asked simply because something about her enraptured anyone who talked to her. Some were attracted to her and some admired her. Namjoon fell into the criteria of the neither. He just agreed to give her the notes simply because he didn't want to upset her or seem rude.

It wasn't that she was not pretty or attractive; Namjoon just didn't feel anything for her.

He was jolted out of his train of thoughts when someone gently knocked on his table.

"Um... the class is over actually. Everyone's moving to the Computer Lab. You should come fast," the new girl Lee Yujin, the new girl said with a smile. To be honest, she was the one of the few who never bothered him and just remained as a friendly acquaintance.

"Thanks, Ailee." He smiled back. The girl's eartips reddened a bit but bowing lightly at him, she kind of ran out of the class.

For a moment, Namjoon felt someone staring at him. Taking out his book and copy, he subtly looked at the last bench to see someone sleeping with their head down.

Min Yoongi.

The senior who had to stay back a year for his terrible grades. Teachers gave up on him and bullies didn't dare bother him. He had no friends too; or rather he didn't bother making any.
He was super popular among the students but everyone stayed away lest they had to be the victim of his piercing glare.

For a moment, Namjoon wanted to wake him up— tell him that the class was empty but the logical side of his brain restrained him. He didn't need another reason for someone to hate him.

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