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They kiss remained unsaid.

Neither brought it up anymore. Yoongi thought Namjoon did it in a spur of moment and the latter thought so too. Namjoon pondered over it idly but Yoongi worried himself over it.

Was it just a joke for him? Is it just nothing?

Is he regretting it?

Am I overthinking this?

The beats of his music started becoming more aggressive. His fingers on the keys became more harsh. The lyrics to songs came to him in a sharp strangeness. The milk in his coffee reduced day by day until he started taking it black without sugar.

His dwindling habit of smoking increased by a lot.

And Namjoon felt like he was the reason. Look, he was oblivious not dumb so when he noticed Yoongi started getting restless and frantic around him until he had a lungful of smoke in his system, he knew he had to intervene until Yoongi asked him to fuck off.

He disliked when the smoke of cigarettes entered his nose but hated it with life when Yoongi was the one inhaling it.

Tonight he was on his bed, reading one of the love letters someone left in his desk. The rose accompanying it was now resting in a small vase on top of the bedside drawer. The handwriting was familiar but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. It was a little poetry for him and... it was pretty. No one ever did this for him.

It wasn't that he was in love or something, he just wanted to know who it was and by the manner the letter was addressed in certain aspects, he was sure it was a girl. Namjoon felt like he knew but the answer was just a gut feeling, not a word on the tip of his tongue.

Sighing, he took out his phone and a pair of earphones he saw his parents abandoning. It wasn't old in any way, it's just that his parents preferred airpods more.

After Yoongi gave him the phone, Namjoon eventually opened an Instagram account, obviously private, following a bunch of artists (musicians), artists (canvas, brush ones), fashion brands, social workers, some accounts dedicated to underwater animals, dogs, cats, bunnies & parrot owners, accounts dedicated to nature and stuffs. If that wasn't enough already, he started stanning a bunch of artists and opened stan accounts for ALL of them on Twitter, sometimes staying up at night to binge watch their videos of acting cute or doing something clumsy.

He had been quite preoccupied in his studies so he hadn't had the time to check out the new comeback of NewJeans.

So that night when Yoongi came over after his part time job, he saw Namjoon crying as he looked into his phone. A few minutes later he started typing furiously and Yoongi took his liberty to get inside, thanks to his frequent visits that made Namjoon quite acquainted.

Maybe he's watching one of those TXT boys.

Suddenly an idea struck his mind. Seeing how the younger was occupied, Yoongi slowly sneaked up to him and even without considering the pros and cons—


"GAAAAHHH!" And a fist fucking flew on Yoongi's cheek.


"What in the actual fuck, hyung!" Namjoon whisper-yelled. "My fucking parents are just downstairs!"

"You kiss your mother with their mouth?" And Yoongi recieved a punch in his stomach. "Damn, so much for playing the Prince. C'mon, I'll take you somewhere."

"Where are we going today?"

It was their fifth time, Yoongi sneaking in his house through his window yet there was always an edge of excitement in Namjoon's voice. They stuck next to each other in school all day yet Namjoon didn't feel bored.

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now