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Yoongi's eyes went to his cheek, it was bruised badly, blackish in colour, when Namjoon entered the class.

He wasn't supposed to leave early from the party. And Yoongi shouldn't have taken him away.

He was about to walk up to him when the teacher arrived. So he waited until the class was over and everyone got out. Before Namjoon could leave too, he walked up to him and stopped him.

"Did they hurt you?"

Namjoon nodded. "But that's common, I guess. I was supposed listen to them but Be— I just saw someone... and uh, yeah. That's it."

Yoongi knew that wasn't it but decided not to pry. His eyes skimmed over Namjoon's red-rimmed eyes to the blackish hue on his cheekbones. An immense anger flared in him with protectiveness. It just seemed Namjoon had so much in his plate and as much as Yoongi tried to help him, it resulted in an even bigger mess.

It was as if Namjoon understood his inner monologue; he smiled. "It's okay, hyung. It doesn't hurt much."

It was as if his smile hurt something in his chest, Yoongi's heart thrashed against his chest. Hanging around with Namjoon, Yoongi has seen this smile plenty of times but each time it felt like his first— it was just something so beautiful, so dazzling.
Yoongi couldn't do anything but nod, as if his tongue was stuck at the roof of his mouth.

They continued their classes as usual throughout the day. Until their lunch break.


Namjoon suddenly disappeared. Again.

This time Yoongi went straight to the roof without even waiting to check the other areas. Something was up and Namjoon definitely wasn't telling him.
It was quite apparent that the boy was getting bullied.

Just as he was about to enter the hallway, he heard some light footsteps of people running away and before he could even check who they were, they were gone.
Yoongi definitely would've followed them if he didn't fear for Namjoon's well-being. So instead, he just took the stairs to the rooftop and started climbing the fastest he ever did in his life.

Opening the door with a bang, he looked around wildly. "Namjoon!"
It was quite but then he heard quiet sniffles.


There was Namjoon. Among a pile of broken chairs and tables, sat Namjoon. Just as Yoongi rushed to him, Namjoon spit out some blood and coughed a bit.
When he turned to look at Yoongi, the older noticed that the bruise in his face looked bigger and worse.

"Namjoon..." Yoongi fell on his knees beside him. "Joon-ah, who did this to you?"

Once again he remained quiet, unwilling to utter the name out in fear that his hyung would beat the boy up and somehow end up in grave trouble with Namjoon's as well as Beomseok's family.

"Namjoon, tell me!"

"I can't! They'll expel you from school."

Yoongi groaned out loud. "They won't know—"

"They fucking will!" Namjoon hissed at him. "You think you're some big, hot shit but they will destroy your life in a blink. So, shut the fuck up and let me handle this on my own."

"Yeah, you did," Yoongi scoffed. "And look where that landed you."

Without waiting for the other to reply, Yoongi hoisted the other up carefully to take him to the nurse's office. Namjoon stopped him. "Wait, no! It doesn't hurt much today."

"Yah, Kim Namjoon, stop being a macho for a single second and let hyung help you."

"Hyung, you don't understand! The nurse said she would call my parents to report about this!" Namjoon snapped.

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now