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He saw Namjoon limp away as fast as he could.

And as much as Yoongi wanted to follow him, he knew better than to pester him. Turning away, he slowly walked towards his own house, one of the straps of his bag slung on his shoulder carelessly.

After almost, 15 minutes, he finally reached home. Rather than knocking in the front door, he entered through the last door, using his key. Immediately, his eyes fell on his mother who was dozing off on the table. That meant his father drunk his ass off on the living room couch. He shook his mother, whispering very lightly.

"Eomma, wake up. I'm back."

Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at her son with a small smile. "Oh, Yoongi-ah, you're back? Did you study well? Did you have your dinner?"

Yoongi smiled lightly. He really just loved her mother too much. "Yes, eomma, I had dinner. And study was good."

"What about your tutor? They aren't like the last girl, right? Do they teach well?"

"Oh, he's really good actually. Definitely not like the last ones. He's a good kid."

His mother smiled, relieved. "That's great. Why don't you invite him over for dinner? What's his name?"

Yoongi hesitated for a bit before quietly uttering his name. "Kim Namjoon."

Eunbi froze in her place and her smile faltered a bit. "Kim Namjoon? You mean my boss' son?"

Yoongi nodded, biting the inside of his lip. Shin Eunbi, Yoongi's mother, worked as a clerk for Han Sohyun. The pay wasn't much but it was enough for them to live comfortably.

After getting Yoongi admitted in one of the biggest schools in Seoul, she didn't have enough money to pay for his regular lunch at school. Therefore, normally, she either makes him lunch or gives him enough money to buy a little something for the day.
Now, as a mother who wanted to see her son succeed, Eunbi wanted Yoongi to study atleast till 10 since she couldn't afford to send him to a hagwon.

Today, when Yoongi texted her that he would be tutored by one of the best students in school, she was ecstatic. Now, hearing Namjoon's name, she felt like being cautious would be better.

She knew her son had anger management issues and quite a few times got into trouble for the same. "Yoongi-ah, don't...— don't get into trouble with him, okay?"

Yoongi knew where this was coming from. But he had a feeling Namjoon would never do something to push him to that extent.

"Eomma, don't worry. He's really.... good."

"If you say so."

Bidding his mother goodnight, he headed to his room. Changing into a big hoodie and shorts, he settled down with his laptop.
For almost half an hour, he looked at the blank screen. He didn't have any ideas for a beat... but he did have idea for lyrics.


He didn't attend the class before lunch. It was pointless anyways.

It wasn't that the kid was in the class that day to keep him entertained with his clumsy antics because some teacher needed his assistance.

Assuring that the cigarettes were in his pocket, he headed to the abandoned hallway. Nobody really had the time to go to that part of the building because one, they were busy and two, they feared teachers.
Yoongi basically didn't care about either.

That's why, leaning opposite to the old music room, he lit his cigarette and took a long smoke. Slowly, his racing thoughts started reducing into a slow blur.

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now