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Yoongi should've known better than to bring him somewhere like this. It was congested with people smoking, drinking, grinding on each other regardless of gender and he knew Namjoon never saw a place like this. 

Not to mention it was illegal. 

The authorities were paid some hefty amount from time to time by the owner of the place to keep their mouth shut. Namjoon was scared when he saw a bouncer outside but it seemed like he recognized Yoongi immediately and they were free to go inside. As soon as they entered, Yoongi's hand immediately gravitated and intertwined with his. 

"Hold my hand and don't go anywhere unless I take you!" Yoongi shouted over the sound of the music. Namjoon just nodded. Multitudes of lights fell and glossed over Yoongi's face. Namjoon had never seen him this way and now he wanted to watch how he looked under every light. 

The DJ played some rap music, it wasn't one he really knew. As Yoongi pulled him along, he saw two girls making out at a distance and he looked away immediately. Their hands definitely weren't in PG-13 places. On the dance floor, this guy grabbed a girl by her waist and there definitely was no space between them for any god. The place stank of booze and smoke and he slightly regretted coming here. Only slightly. 

Finally Yoongi pulled into an empty area where the couches were not occupied. Seating Namjoon down, Yoongi started speaking near his ear. "Alright, when I go up on that stage, don't go anywhere else until I come down. If anyone talks to you, ignore them. If they offer you any drink, call me."

"What if you're on stage?"

"I'll break the fucker's head with the mic. Also, be rude if you need to and if anyone's aggressive, just go to that bartender. He's kinda my friend." Namjoon looked where Yoongi pointed. A handsome bartender was already looking and didn't seem much older than them. Namjoon didn't realize his mouth was open as that guy handled his drinks with a smirk, his hands working like a machine. Suddenly, he winked at Namjoon and god damn! He was… something. Namjoon felt slight heat creeping up his face.

Yoongi quickly blocked his view with a frown. "Fucking Seokjin… oh, and if my friend flirts, be rude." 

Jealous. Namjoon thought, smiling. "Why?" He spoke up with a pout. "He's so handsome." 

Yoongi's jaw tightened and he looked back. That bartender, Seokjin, waved lightly and Yoongi immediately showed him the middle finger. Turning to Namjoon, he spoke up again. "So he's handsome now? What about me?" He cooked his eyebrow.

Namjoon smirked. "Well, you're not bad to look at."

"So I'm hot?"

"I didn't say that." 

"It definitely feels like you did."

Namjoon looked away, not able to control his laugh. "Hyung, just go."

Yoongi chuckled and plopped down on the couch beside him. "I still have some time." Namjoon watched him take out rings, a baseball cap and a black mask with skull prints. Yoongi took out a couple chains that were hidden inside his black hoodie. It was all so stereotypical that Namjoon couldn't help but snort loudly, much to the other's indignation. 


"Your hoodie, skull mask, chains and rings. You look like a wannabe rapper." 

Yoongi scoffed as he showed him the ring. "Say that after you see me with that mic." 

"Our Yoongichi hasn't won a single battle since last week," someone said as a tray was set down right in front of them. Namjoon looked up to see the same bartender from earlier and this time, he looked so much better in person. 

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