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He looked at himself in the mirror. This was the first time he was seeing himself bare in a while.

The protruding lines of his ribs were no longer to be seen. There were a few old bumpy razor marks on his chest, arms, thighs but his heart no longer constricted at the sight. The bags under his eyes were almost gone.

It was as if he had taken a rebirth and was seeing himself for the first time again; as a new person with a different life. He knew he couldn't recognise the boy in the mirror but he was glad. The boy in the mirror looked like he was glowing, his eyes were no longer dull. The pinprick of tears that used to come up back then was no longer present.

Namjoon couldn't believe he felt alive.

He collapsed down as a huge stone rolled off his chest. He couldn't understand why but he wanted to laugh. He huffed out one single laugh even as he felt a lone drop of tear roll down his cheek.

"Fucking hell, this is a party," he said to no one as he leaned back on the bathroom door. "Fucking hell, this is a dream."


Heels clacking, Han Sohyun entered her office Eunbi at tow when she suddenly spotted one of the workers learning over the cubicle of his colleague. And Sohyun would be daft to not realize that the guy was making her uncomfortable.

“Jaejoon-ssi,” she said, her voice cold and clear. “If you would stop making Miss Seo uncomfortable and work, it would be great. You're a week past the deadline and I've been getting complaints of you getting paid for anything but work.”

She knew when a man was angry; she saw his jaw clench and eyes filled with faux disinterest even if his fist was curling. “Yes, ma'am. I'll try to submit the report by tomorrow.”

Sohyun clicked her tongue. “Today. I don't care how long it takes. I need it on my table or in my email before midnight.” With that she walked away, very audibly hearing the words ‘fucking bitch.’

“Ma'am, if you'll let me, I'll—”

She stopped a concerned Eunbi. She knew they both had heard that; Jaejoon wasn't exactly discreet but Sohyun knew that empty barks were neither unheard or unfamiliar to her.

“Leave it. I have plans after midnight when I don't get the report on my email.”

“And if he sends it?”

Door slightly opened with one hand, Sohyun looked back and smirked. “Eunbi-ah, you know me and my words. I'll text you at midnight sharp and you'll know.” She strutted inside, taking her seat in a grace that could only be mastered in years. She looked up at Eunbi who looked pretty pissed.

“Now what's with you?” she chuckled out.

“If you're a bitch,” Eunbi mumbled, “he might as well be the dirty bone you don't even bother to chew on.”

This coaxed a laugh out of Sohyun. It always did. Sohyun had found Eunbi when her previous Secretary had fucked her over in her then already fucked company. She was desperate and so was Eunbi with her own husband and son to take care of. Now that she thought about it, Sohyun felt bad that she took advantage of the fact that Eunbi, who was quite qualified for a better position, was ready for even a position of clerk for a low salary. Eventually she got promoted. But as she worked, Sohyun started to see herself in the woman. Although better, the other workers, especially men, liked to believe that she either got the job by being in the good books of their boss who happened to be a woman as well or by sleeping with the husband of the said boss. So logically, Sohyun did the one thing that, she knew, would piss them off.

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now