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Their results came out recently.

As usual, Namjoon's was at the top, much to the pleasure of their teachers. But this time Yoongi's name wasn't being dragged at the back at all. To everyone's surprise, Yoongi ranked tenth in their class.

"Min Yoongi, I must say that you've improved exceptionally in a very short time. I hope you keep this up. It's always a pleasure to see a student doing better."

The teacher's words combined with the confused faces, Yoongi smirked as he looked around, finally locking eyes with Namjoon. When everyone looked back at their books, Yoongi pouted his lips as if asking for a kiss and Namjoon just flipped him off, his ears red.

When class ended, Yoongi looked at Namjoon talking to the teacher and decided to wait outside the class for him. Just when he was leaving, someone bumped into him, a bit too harshly. "Do you have fucking dicks for eyes?" Yoongi drawled out, but then sighed internally when he saw Beomseok; a pristine fucking pain in the ass rich boy who thought he was something special.

The boy in question cocked his eyebrows and turned around, as if not believing the audacity. "What did you say to me?"

"Dicks for eyes and dicks for ears, watch where you're going."

Beomseok huffed, smiling a little at the ridiculous situation. "Do you want to die, you fucker?"

"Do you? I'm yet to hear an apology."

Yoongi's collar was taken into a harsh grip. Really, it was a useless attempt at intimidating Yoongi. He had seen worse people, had fought in worse places and had the worst injuries from them; a puny nobody like Beomseok wouldn't do shit. "You'd be a fucking stud to repeat that again."

Not that Yoongi was intimidated, it was just quite confusing to see Beomseok as anything other than a seemingly kind and soft-spoken dude. Yet, that didn't stop Yoongi from holding his collar in an iron grip before they were wrenched away from each other.

"Let's just go."

It was Namjoon. He didn't get a moment to speak before he was being pulled away.


"I don't understand why you keep shoving your face into trouble, hyung."

"Joon-ah, listen. He fuc—"

Namjoon stopped and looked at him sharply when they were not in the view of Beomseok anymore. Yoongi had to suck in a breath with how he had the sudden urge to kiss the living daylights of his boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word really made him want to giggle but with how Namjoon's face looked at the moment, he was sure it would earn him hits after hits.

"Are you serious? His father is a business tycoon. And they're in collaboration with my mother's company. How isn't it hitting? Your mother can lose her job, you dumbnut!"

"It's hyung, you asshole."

"Yeah, a fucking dumb one, if we're seriously talking. What, are you incapable of socializing without fists or something? With how much of those fists work overtime, I'd have a hard time believing it wasn't some sort of special sign language if I didn't know you."

With how Namjoon spoke, Yoongi would've had a hard time believing that that was how a typical nerd spoke if he didn't personally know Namjoon. Yoongi seriously used to think that the nerds of their class had only one personality trait and that was wagging their tails at the teacher asking them to grab their register. If he ever said that to Namjoon, he feared he wouldn't live long to see them become boyfriends.

"Are you smiling?" Namjoon said with an incredulous gasp. His fist raised slowly in the air. "You think it's funny that a business tycoon's brat might be plotting your murder? Should I just hit you?"

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now