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“Are you ignoring me?”

It had been a while since Beomseok came in the way of Namjoon again. His lackeys were not on with him and therefore, Namjoon didn't really feel like he had to run away. So, instead of answering, he kept walking in his usual place. ‘Merry-Go-Round of Life’ was playing on his earphone for the sixth time that day and he couldn't give a damn about that guy. Not anymore.

His shoulder was taken in a tight grip and without a moment’s hesitation, Namjoon shook it off roughly. There was not an emotion on his face to spare it at a bastard like Beomseok.

“What the fuck is the matter with you?” Beomseok hissed. “Do you wanna die? Should I just fix you up right here?” This time, he shoved the younger boy against the wall and immediately, Namjoon heard the sound of footsteps coming towards their direction.

As soon as Beomseok stalked closer, caging him against the wall, Namjoon took all his might and shouted out loud. “Stop it! Sunbae, stop it, please! I'm sorry, don't hit me anymore!”

It didn't take long for tears to come out of his eyes— partly out of frustration, rest of it only being crocodile tears. Beomseok’s bemused face only egged him further, especially when he saw a few seniors with a teacher heading towards their direction. “You did this last time as well, please let me go this time,” he whimpered loudly. “My stomach still hurts from last time!”

“Hey! What's happening there?”

Beomseok, whirled around, immediately putting a distance but it was too late. The teacher had seen him already. Namjoon took the opportunity to squeeze his eyes shut, producing more tears which were more fake than anything.

“Sir, w-we were just talking—”

The teacher raised his hand, halting all conversations and right in front of Namjoon's very eyes, Beomseok was called to the office. As the seniors guided Namjoon away from him, he didn't forget to meet Beomseok’s eyes. For a second he thought fire bore holes right through his soul but then again, he didn't need to be scared of Beomseok glaring.

So instead, he left for his last class. He entered the class along with the teacher and only had enough time to catch Yoongi's wave before he settled down and the class started.


“Should we go out for a movie?”

Namjoon flinched but beamed immediately when he looked up at Yoongi.

Their tuition ended not too long ago so instead of leaving, Namjoon studied while Yoongi doodled little pictures of his boyfriend with hearts. But they were all on the last page of his notebook. Maybe he also played FLAMES with his and Namjoon’s name but nobody needed to know the result.

“Movies? Now?”

Yoongi grinned. “It's cheap… and your mom's at her mother's. Good for us.” Frankly, that goddamned place was held up by mostly losers; aspiring erotic manhwa artists who Yoongi accidentally encountered, old or middle-aged married men hoping for some R-rated movies, loners who would actually be there to sleep and occasional lovers who'd sit at the very back and do whatever-the-fuck.

Namjoon snorted. “My grandma broke her hip, have some sympathy.”

“It's almost her expiry date anyways. Also, she basically sold your mom away.”

Namjoon just shook his head, a growing smile on his lips as he packed his bag. Yoongi always had the power to rope him into a whirlwind of things most unknown to him.

“What movie is it anyways?”

Yoongi just shrugged, picking up his boyfriend’s bag for him. “Dunno. Some indie or adult film, I guess. We wouldn't be watching anyways.”

𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 & 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 || 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now