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Namjoon felt the sun pierce through his eyes and he had to wrench it open. The househelp opened the curtains again. So when he tried turning around, he couldn't. There was a warm body beside him with an arm over his belly. Willing himself to open his eyes, he looked at the side. 

It was Yoongi. 

So Yoongi brought him back to his' last night. His memories from the bike ride became so hazy that they were almost indecipherable. He turned to the side fully to look at Yoongi. The sun shone behind him, making the hem of his hair brown. The lines of harshness that were often lining his face were replaced by the lines of sleep. Namjoon brought his face closer to see the little bumps and imperfections on his skin; all without which Yoongi wouldn't look the same anymore. Namjoon's hand came up and touched the small mole on his nose and then the one on his cheek. He had never noticed them. 

Yoongi's eyes opened very suddenly. Namjoon flinched slightly but then regained his composure. 

"What are you doing?"

"You have a mole on your nose. And your cheek." 

Yoongi gazed at Namjoon for a few seconds before speaking up. "You have a lot of moles too." 

"I do?" 

"Yeah. There's this one on your upper forehead." Yoongi's finger touched the part gently as his arm left his waist and Namjoon's skin burnt. It trailed down to the corner of his left eye. "You have two here as well." His fingers slid over his skin to the right side of his face, his cheek. "Another one's here and here." 

Namjoon felt breathless. He wanted to gasp for air and take in everything to satisfy the raging feeling inside him that roared at Yoongi to wrap him up further in his warmth and keep him submerged in Yoongi for as long as they could. "That's it?"

Namjoon knew he didn't dream when Yoongi's eyes flicked down to his lips. "No, there's one on your chin."

His finger burnt a trail down to his chin towards the mole. The finger didn't budge. 

"That's it?" He breathed out again.

"No, there's another one." 


Fingers trailed up to his upper lip. "Here." 

Namjoon wanted to kiss the finger. Yoongi didn't want to let his finger leave his lips either. It stayed there and slowly, ever so slightly, it started mapping out the constellation on his face; starting from his nose to chin to his cheeks, then his forehead and finally to the corner of his eyes. Namjoon just watched him.

"Which one's your favorite?" 

"All of them." 

"I mean, which one do you like better than the other?"

"I like all of them. All of them look pretty on you."

"They do?" 

"Your moles could be a constellation if they were in the sky." 

Namjoon loved when Yoongi was like this with him; raw, unfiltered, unadulterated and gentle. Then another thought struck him, Yoongi was always like this to him. The thought scared him.

"You like them that much?" 

"I do." 

Outside, the sun was bright and blazing and the sky was a perfect blue with humongous white clouds floating around. The birds were chirping and the air was cool. And there was Yoongi, shirtless and glowing among the white sheets in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. Everything was so unbelievably perfect that it scared Namjoon so damn much. 

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