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The smell of sterilization products and hand sanitizer fills the doctor's office as Harper puts Onyx into his car seat

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The smell of sterilization products and hand sanitizer fills the doctor's office as Harper puts Onyx into his car seat. He's crying and red in the face but this time, the reason is known. He got three shots today. He is not happy.

"Alright, mama, you are all set with the little guy." The nurse tells her as she checks them out. "I have his check up summary papers here with his updates immunization records. We've scheduled your appointment for next month and we'll see you then. If you have any questions about anything, just give the office a call and they'll have myself or another nurse give you a call back as soon as we can, okay?"

"Okay." Harper says as she picks up the car seat. "Thank you." She exits the room and walks tour to the lobby. She waves to the receptionists on her way out office and into the hallway. She sways back and forth with Onyx's car seat, trying to soothe him as he cries.

Harper gets into the elevator and rides down to the second floor. She walks out and onto ramp to get to the parking garage. Standing there for a second, she tries to remember where she parked. Looking two rows down, she sees her silver SUV.

She looks both ways before crossing onto the asphalt. She carries Onyx's car seat in one hand and his diaper bag in the other. When she gets to the car, she set the bag down to grab her keys and unlock the car. She straps Onyx into the backseat, making sure that he's secure before putting his diapers bag in as well.

Harper gets into the driver seat and makes her way out of the car garage. She pays her toll and pulls out, heading in the direction of the expressway to get home. It's a 25 minute drive with the five o'clock traffic starting. She chose a later timed appointment, hoping that Onyx would be calm at 4 o'clock. Thankfully, he was.

She parks her car in her spot and grabs the diaper bag as well as Onyx's car seat. Walking into the building, she heads for the elevator. There's already a man standing there with a dark blue cap on his head and black jacket on.

As she gets closer, she recognizes him as her next door neighbor. Her heart rate jolts up and she grows embarrassed as she stands and waits for the elevator with him. Sensing the presence next to him, he turns his head to look at her then down at the car seat.

Harper's gaze is focused on the doors, waiting for them to open. She's glad that Onyx's kryptonite is car rides so he's not fussing or anything right now. That coupled with his drowsiness from his shots, he's going to sleep well for a few hours.

It takes a few seconds before the elevator doors open and when they do, Yoongi moves to the side allowing for her to enter first.

"Thank you." She tells him quietly and he responds with his own quiet 'of course'.

He gets in after her and presses the button to the fourth floor. Harper holds Onyx's car seat in her hands, standing still, when he starts to fuss. She sets the carrier on the floor and flips the cozy cover flap up to check on him.

Healing Harper-MYG✔️Where stories live. Discover now