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"Thank you so much for all of your help, Dr

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"Thank you so much for all of your help, Dr. Mitchell. Really, I appreciate everything that you've done for me and helped me with." Harper says as she stands in front of the woman.

"It's nothing, seriously. You're a wonderful person, Harper. You and Yoongi deserve the life that you're trying to have. You're fighting for that and any way that I can help you, then I will. I'm sure that Hyde feels the same."

"I'm actually going to talk to him right after this. I just want everybody to be on the same page about everything so that nothing comes as a surprise. I'm really trying to keep my head cool about everything. I want to flip but now I know that I got stuff to handle."

"I understand that." Dr. Mitchell nods. "You're very a strong woman. You express it in many different ways and I really like that about you."

"Being strong can come in various forms." Harper tells her. "And a person isn't subjected to just one way of showing it. Whatever feels right, whatever is valid for them, they're allowed to feel that and express it how they want. Anybody can be strong in their own right."

Dr. Mitchell smiles at Harper. "That they can. You're absolutely right."

"Alright, I'm not going to hold you up any longer. I know that this was kind of impromptu and I've gotta get to Hyde before he runs off back to the emergency department."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." Harper replies as she opens the office door.

With a folder in her hand, she exits the room and closes the door behind her. She walks down the hall, trying her best to make the frustration on her face. It's difficult given the situation but she's working with what she can.

"Hey, Miss Taylor. Good to see you."

"Dr. Han." Harper says, stopping in her tracks. "Good to see you too, actually. Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Uh.." He looks taken aback by the sudden suggestion.

He and Harper have never had a conversation with one another before. In fact, he's only ever seen her in passing or at the receptionist's desk. Even then, they've never really spoken. She's barely glanced at him.

The fact that she suddenly needs to have a conversation with him is kind of random. And random for Han is unsettling. Especially as intimidating as she currently looks and the way he's spoken to her significant other.

"Sure." He agrees.

"In private, if you don't mind." Harper gestures to an empty conference room.


Harper walks past him and opens the door. He steps into the room and she steps in after him, closing it promptly.

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