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"Dr. Min?"

A knocking on Yoongi's office door interrupts his paperwork. He looks up from the files and closes the manilla folder.

"Yes? Come in."

A nurse whom Yoongi sees occasionally but has only spoken to in passing opens the door.

"Good morning, Dr. Min. I hope you're having a good one."

"Good morning, Nurse Hathaway. It's well. What can I do for you?" He sits up and pushes his glasses to the top of his head.

"So, we've gone over the paperwork for Collins's second surgery and he does have a healthcare proxy."

"Okay. His mother is in his recovery room. We can get the paperwork to her so that she can sign it. We've already gone over the second procedure with her."

"Yeeaahh..." Nurse Hathaway says. "Miss Sullivan's name isn't on any of the paperwork. She's listed as his next-of-kin as well as his sister but that's about it."

"She's not the proxy?"

"Unfortunately not."

Yoongi stands up from his desk, knowing the type of conversation that needs to now be had. With a sighs he removes his glasses from his hair. He pushes it back, tucking the length behind his ears.

"Alright. I'll go talk to her. Can you relay to Dr. Hyde for me, please? I'll see what we can do about getting in contact with the proxy."

He walks toward the door and she hands him the clipboard.

"Will do." She replies.

"Thank you, Nurse Hathaway."

"Of course."

They walk from his office and part ways to get to their respective destinations. Yoongi walks down the hall to the recovery unit and reads the names on the side of the doors.

He knows what room that his patient is in but people can be moved at any point so double checking is still always good.

Yoongi stops in front of the room and knocks on the door. The sound of sneakers against the floor is heard before the door is opens to him.

Miss Sullivan looks relieved to finally see somebody after two hours of waiting for word from the doctor.

Her son has been in the recovery unit for less than a day. But it was brought to her attention that a second surgery would be needed.

Miss Sullivan steps out of the room and into the hallway with Dr. Min.

"How is everything? Can we go on with the second surgery?"

She's hopeful. Optimistic and so very hopeful.

"Unfortunately, we've run into a complication of sorts."

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