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Harper smooths the fabric of her clothing as she looks in the mirror

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Harper smooths the fabric of her clothing as she looks in the mirror.

She's trying out something new for her work attire. She's noticed that most of the people at her job -nurses, receptionists, surgical techs- all wear scrubs.

She doesn't want to stand out like a sore thumb. She's also noticed the glances that some of the people there give her because of her business casual attire.

Patients included.

So this morning, after Yoongi called her and told her that he ordered muffins to her door for breakfast, she went out with Onyx to buy some new work clothes.

She bought scrubs in various colors and fun patterns. She also got a new pair of work shoes. They're work approved nonslips, made by Crocs. She's got them in only black, since that's the only color shoe apart of their uniform.

She went over the employee handbook and read the dress code policy. Her scrub pants have to be a solid color but her shirt can be solid or patterned.

So tonight, Harper is playing it safe and wearing an all black scrub set. Her hair is pulled back into a coiled low bun and she wears her badge on the clip of her chest pocket.

The hospital isn't as warm as she'd like it to be and she's working her first emergency room shift tonight. So she isn't sure how the temperature will vary there. But just in case, she's wearing a black long sleeved undershirt under her scrub top.

Harper looks at the time on her phone and hums to herself.

She looks over at Onyx, whose sitting up on the carpet. He's sucking his pacifier, holding his blue blankie and rubbing his right eye. He whines as his eyes close.

Harper picks him up and kisses he's cheek.

"Oohh, you're tired. I know." She cradles him. "You can go to sleep in a minute, okay. I need you to eat first, bear."

Harper grabs her bag, coat and keys as well as Onyx's things before leaving her apartment. She walks down to her neighbor's and knocks on the door.

It opens right after and there stands Yoongi.

Harper becomes nervous as he looks at her. She's in something new and he's the first person to see her in it.

"Hey." She greets.

"Hi.." His eyes drag over her scrubs before meeting her eyes.

He sees scrubs every day of his life. Every single day. Between work and House, M.D., they're burned into his retinas.

But he's convinced that Harper wearing them is different.

"You got scrubs." He states the obvious as he lifts Onyx from her.

The infant smiles at him and reaches for his cheeks. He grabs the chunk of it in small hand and squeezes.

Yoongi continues on like it isn't even happening.

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