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Harper listens to the ticking of the clock on the wall, staring at it as each second passes. Waiting in the gynecologist's office, time seems to slow, barely moving at all.

Granted, this was an impromptu appointment. She hadn't had one scheduled for today until this morning. She was secretly hoping and praying that they had something after eight but earlier than 9:30. To her luck, they had an 8:30 appointment. Perfect.

She gave Onyx over to Mr. And Mrs. Min for the day. He was upset that he was being left by his parents, as expected with his separation anxiety. Harper felt terrible but she really had to go. She gave him kisses before she was shooed out of the door.

She drove right to her doctor's appointment, making it only a few minutes early.

A few minutes that have dragged since she checked in.

The door next to the check in opens and a nurse come out.


Said woman stands up and walks to the back with her.

"Good morning." She greets the nurse.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

"Uh.. nervous."

"Understandable. I'm gonna have you step on this platform for me."

Harper takes her shoes off and stands on the scale. Her height and weight is marked down before she's led to her room.

"So we're just going to have you pee in this cup, leave it in the little cubby and then the doctor will be in shortly after. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you." Harper takes the cup from her and walks to the bathroom.

She closes and locks the door behind her before squatting to give her urine sample. Her pee is light, but the smell is off.

That's the entire reason that she's here in the first place.

She knows for a fact that both she and Yoongi are clean. He's the only person that she's had sex with recently. She's the only person that he's had sex with as well. And even if this weren't the case, they've used protection every time that they've had sex. The first time was a couple weeks ago, the next was the night of Valentine's Day and the early morning after.

She's sure that it's just an internal imbalance. But how she got it, she isn't so sure of.

Harper wraps the sample cup in a paper towel and places it in the cubby. She washes her hands at the sink and uses a paper towel to open the door.

Walking back into the room, she takes her phone out of her pocket. She waits patiently for the doctor as she texts Hailey back.

Hailey: Are you okay with Onyx meeting Sid?

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