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Christmas morning

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Christmas morning.

A joyous occasion. A beautiful time for family.

The quiet playing of holiday music, lights strung up around the house, stockings above the fireplace.

The surprised happy gasps of the Min parents as they open the door for their son.

Mrs. Min holds her fingers to her mouth as her eyes water. She pulls him into the house for a hug and closes her eyes as he hugs her back.

"I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Mom." He tightens his arms around her as the tension in his shoulders dissipates.

His father watches them with a warm smile before looking up at the door.

"Oh! Come in, honey. Come in." He waves Harper inside, wanting to get her and the baby out of the cold.

Harper steps into the house and off to the side. Mr. Min closes the door and Yoongi's mother gives her son a final squeeze before letting go of him. She looks at Harper as her husband shows her where to take her shoes off.

Harper puts them on the boot tray and sets Onyx's car seat on the floor next to her. Yoongi walks over and helps her out of her coat before putting it on one of the wooden hooks behind her.

She picks up Onyx's car seat again and looks between his parents. Yoongi is like the perfect combination of both of them, though he looks a little more like his mother.

"You can bring him in here." Mrs. Min says as she gestures to the living room.

She's a very soft spoken woman. Her tone is certain yet kind. At first glance, she seems like she may be stoic. But a closer reveals her softer features.

Harper walks with her into the living room and sits on the long couch. She sets Onyx's car seat down and removes the cozy cover. Jewel jumps out first, surprising the Min parents.

He sniffs around the unfamiliar place and approaches the unfamiliar pairs of feet.

Onyx yells and looks at his mother as he kicks his feet.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Harper mumbles to him.

She unstraps him and takes him out of the seat. He giggles as he reaches for her.

Mr. Min drags in a breath. "Oohh he's so little."

Harper smiles at him as she turns Onyx to face him. The infant puts his fingers in his mouth and looks at the two strangers. He coos to himself and chews on his fingers.

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