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How does one mark the beginning of a fresh start? How does one gauge when it's time? Is it a gradual process or could it be decided right then there?

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How does one mark the beginning of a fresh start? How does one gauge when it's time? Is it a gradual process or could it be decided right then there?

Could it be marked by the beginning of something new? Or the end of a series of tumultuous events?

What exactly gives the cue for one to start fresh?

Heavy rain falls over the city, drenching pedestrians and dropping onto vehicles. The brick of buildings darkens under the water and sidewalk grays as the droplets hit it and spread.

From the window of her living room, Hailey watches as cars whizz by. People jog from their parked cars onto the porches of their homes, holding their hands or jackets above them to stay dry.

Hailey holds a mug of freshly brewed peppermint tea in her hands as she scans the streets. Sid stands at her side with his paws on the windowsill, looking back and forth along the street.

When a blue car pulls into the driveway, he starts barking excitedly. Hailey takes a sip of her tea as she watches Taehyung park and exit his car. He jogs up onto the porch and she opens the front door him.

With a bright smile, he walks into the smile.

"Hi." He greets, thrown by his girlfriend's beauty.

It's never failed to amaze him how effortlessly breathtaking she is. She's been up for an hour or less and has only brushed her teeth and washed her face.

He sees her without makeup all the time; every night and every day that they're off of work. Even sometimes when she doesn't feel like putting it on for work.

But today, something is different. There's a sort of glow to her skin that he hasn't seen in a few weeks.

"Hey. Get in the house. You're just standing out there. It's cold." She waves him inside and he chuckles.

He takes his shoes off at the door and puts the bag in his hand down. Hailey hugs him and he kisses her forehead.

"Good morning to you, too."

"I missed you."

"I was only gone for like an hour."

"Yeah but I woke up and you weren't here. Couldn't have been more than ten minutes after you left."

"We stayed up pretty late last night so I assumed you'd sleep in." Taehyung says as he pets Sid's head.

"Yeah but it's almost 11 o'clock."

"If you need the sleep, then you need the sleep. It's our day off. You don't have to wake up at the same time. That's how you become exhausted. Now where's the tea?" Taehyung takes his coat off and hangs it up behind the door.

Hailey leads him into the kitchen and pours him a cup of hot tea. She adds a little bit of sugar to it and stirs before handing it to him.

"Thank you, baby."

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