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⚠️flashback of domestic abuse

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⚠️flashback of domestic abuse

Onyx bends his back as he sucks on his pacifier. He straightens his legs out before bending them a little to kick as he rolls over. He lands on his stomach and immediately lays down, tired from the work of getting there.

Harper looks at him through the mirror in her room as she brushes her hair down. She applies some gel to the sides and slicks it, as much as she can, into a low bun.

Yoongi secured an interview for her at the hospital. It's for a receptionist's position but he isn't sure which floor she'll be placed on or in which unit. The woman that he spoke with said that she had a few other interviews to do as well because they need two to three receptionists. They'll be placed based on experience and/or their ability to function in whatever each environment will require.

All of them will essentially have to do the same job. But depending on the unit, there may be more or less work demand and some are faster paced and require better organizational skills than others.

Harper gasps excitedly when she see her son on his stomach. "You did it!" She claps excitedly and Onyx giggles. "I'm so proud of you." She goes over to pick him and kisses his cheeks.

The alarm on her phone goes off, signaling the time of 9:30. She turns it off and looks at herself in the mirror. In dark brown business pants and a creme colored shirt, she's dressed and ready for her interview. Her hair is slicked back, she did a bit of makeup today and she can't find her glasses but that's okay.

Hopefully the lights aren't too bright and she's not given anything with tiny words. Impossible to avoid in a hospital, she knows. But she's got to work with it.

Harper grabs her purse and phone along before walking to the living room. Two knocks on her door alert her that her neighbor is here.

She opens the door and Yoongi looks from her to Onyx and right back to her.

What he's seeing isn't a very vast change but her hair is pulled away from her face again. Her eyes are less dull today and she's even smiling when she sees him.

"Good morning, neighbor."

"Good morning." He replies before swallowing thickly. His brows twitch and Harper steps aside as he looks away from her.

"So I have everything he'll need in the kitchen on the counter. His formula, bottles, two water bottles. There's a pack of wipes and some diapers on the couch. There's some extra clothes too in case he has an accident. You know, the whole thing. Oh-. Let me go get his baby pillow. Probably going to need that." She says as she hands Onyx to him and rushes back to her room.

Yoongi takes the baby and Onyx promptly reaches out for the string to his hoodie again. He grabs hold of it and brings his fist to his mouth.

"I didn't use any dryer sheets when I washed it this time so you're in the clear. Not that you mind anyway. You were gonna eat it either way, huh?"

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