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so keith went to foster care when his dad died...


basically, i've seen too much fanfic about keith's dad being abusive but i headcanon that he's the kinda dad thats not OVERprotective, but still makes sure to...make sure (?) that he always knows about keiths wellbeing and physical health and whatever

and i feel like they'd have a ton of fun together like watching spongebob and space documentaries and watching the stars together (you cant tell me that his dad didnt teach keith at least a chunk of constellations and when they come back to earth he looks up at them and names them all in his head in memory of his dad) AND SO ON. 

but entering the foster system and experiencing abusive homes at a young age would obviously mess with his mental health. 

and i feel like the paladins (except shiro, obviosuly) wouldnt actually know that his dad's dead, and when he and lance start dating and lance figures out that his dad's dead (imma call his dad texas cause thats his actual name and i cant keep typing 'his dad' cause its annoying), he would suddenly realize that keith never really got to experience that home-y feeling, like coming home to a home cooked meal from school and a kiss on the head from your mom. KEITH NEVER GOT THAT. and obviously lance would tell keith all about his family (and keith would be listening with a lovesick expression) and he would instantly regret telling him all that in case he hurt keith. 

Lance, in bed with keith: i cant wait to meet your dad!!

*keith shifitng around uncomortably*

Lance: Keith? you ok?

Keith: so...um...you cant really meet him...

Lance, confused as to why keith wouldnt want him meeting his dad: what? why?

Keith: he died, lance. when i was 9

and they just sit in awkward silence and lance would realize that keith is crying and the rest of the night consists of keith crying on lances shoulder while lance apologizes contantly, depsite keith telling him that its okay and it happens more often than he thinks.

Keith, calming down: its ok, really.

Lance, with both his hands on keith's shoulder and looking him in the eye: Keith, it is not okay to be okay about not being okay, ok? *thats actually a quote my bff told me*

and darn it now im crying...

and sorry for not posting for so long school started again and i've been super drained cause we have a shitton of hw already and we've only been back a week. fun.


also feel free to comment any heacanon/oneshot ideas you might have and i can elaborate on them. 

and sorry for the angst its 12am and im feeling angsty idk ok bye.

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