How to Behave Around Perfection: A Guide by the Kokomins

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Rule number one: Always have an offering.

Valentine's day only comes once a year, but not for Kokomi Teruhashi. Every day she walked down the school hallway, and every day, every boy (and maybe a few girls) had something to gift her. Whether it was a box of chocolates, a car, or an entire country, the possibilities were endless.

Kusuo Saiki never complied with this rule, nor did he care. Nobody seemed to notice.

Rule number two: Always gasp. It's inevitable.

Teruhashi could breathe or even take a crap and somebody would gasp. "Offu," they would say. You'd be surprised, but she never got sick of the ever-occurring noise. In fact, she took pride in it, she basked in this attention, which was given unwillingly but happily.

Kusuo Saiki ignored this rule as well. It caused more trouble for him than the first rule, as Teruhashi would always be on his tail, attempting to make him gasp day after day. He never did.

Rule number three: Always step out of her way, hold doors open for her, greet her in the hallway, etc etc. Basically common courtesy but more passionate.

Never allow Teruhashi to open a door for herself. She doesn't need to get her perfect hands dirty on doorknobs, who knows where it's been? 

It has been noted that Saiki did follow this rule (hence the "common courtesy" bit). However, he is still on our "Most Wanted" list. And the only person on the list at that. Though, we have almost never seen him encounter her in the hallway, let alone greet her. Is that reason enough?

Rule number four*: If you get a chance, peep. It's the only moral thing to do.

Saiki would never comply with this rule. He may be a goody-goody gentleman, or he could not have a care in the world for this kind of thing. Either way, he's trying to show up the rest of us by being respectful, and it's unacceptable.

*Ignore all rules written by Takahashi

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