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I've given Akechi the laptop for about an hour like I did with Kaidou, so prepare yourself. I'm totally not using this chapter as an opportunity to talk nonstop..


It's such a pleasure to be able to obtain possession of a device belonging to the author so I can use it for my own affairs. She said I can write whatever I want here, golly! It's a bit overwhelming, I'm not exactly sure what to write! I could always just type what's currently on my mind, but that probably doesn't make for very good content. It's very difficult to intentionally find a topic to talk about when there are so many to sift through. I don't get to just say whatever I want very often. Sure, I can talk to my friends, but they don't actually listen, so I doubt you will have even read this much of the document. Except for Reita, he is always very attentive when I am speaking and it almost makes my heart flutter! Other than him, Kusuo, and Aiura, though, I don't have anybody to talk to. Usually when I talk, I go off track, which causes people to stop listening. More often than not they get confused and my voice becomes annoying to them. For a moment I thought I was getting off topic, which is something that happens very often when I speak, but then I remembered I hadn't specified a topic yet. That was the topic I had gone off track from! 

Maybe I should use this opportunity to talk about what I'm doing! While I do think it's fairly obvious I'm currently writing, there are unrelated details. I am sitting at a table in a widely known and favored book store. I'm actually here with Aiura, Kusuo and Reita (and our beloved author, special guest being author's father). Reita is reading what I'm writing over my shoulder and smiling like a dork. 

Oh, I've got an idea. Everyone here is planning on getting books later, so maybe I could try to predict what they'll choose and write it here! I'm sitting near the "history & current affairs" section, but I doubt anybody here would take interest in a book titled Bad Republican. Aiura will most likely look at the romance section and pick the first one that catches her eye. No, she often picks up one and puts it back after reading the summary, and proceeds to choose another. She likes the author Nora Roberts. Looking at the shelf now may prove my prediction more difficult than usual, she has written so many books! Heart of the Game has a pretty eye-catching cover, and it's close to where she's standing right now. Coincidence? Kusuo doesn't have a specific taste in books, but he does like to read. So he's standing over there with Aiura, because she took him there. Not because he wanted to. I'll predict he'll choose Hideaway, also by Nora Roberts. That book seems to be more of a thriller than a romance so he may take a liking to it. He takes longer to choose, but that allows me to see if I was right about Aiura's book - and I was. Reita is already looking at the manga section, and knowing him, he'll pick something like High School DXD. I don't recommend reading that if you are the same age as us or younger. Just to be clear, I don't know exactly what it's about because I've never read it myself, but I've heard some things. 

There he is now, wailing about how it's wrapped in plastic, unlike the other (more appropriate) books. I was right again. And Kusuo is leafing through Hideaway, just like I said.

"Are you being a psycho and a list again, or whatever you call it?" It seems I have lost control of the storytelling to Reita's dialogue.

"It's psycho analyst. You sure sound like Nendou sometimes."

"You're so mean to me. And you look so proud, too!" He pouted.

"That's probably just his resting face. Look at this book I chose, doesn't it look good?" Aiura came over and waved her book in our faces. "Akechi, did you get one?"

"Not yet, but he'll probably choose a book about that Em Bee Tee Eye thing."

"Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Toritsuka! And you're probably right, though I'm not sure in which section those books might be found."

"Don't call me by my last name, it's kind of degrading coming from you. What is that Myers-Briggs thing anyway?"

I'm glad you asked...

"Oh no. Don't switch back into narrator mode, that means-"

Yes. Buckle in for an essay.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality typing system used to categorize and label individual thinking processes. It may be true that everyone thinks differently, but there are aspects about it which can be categorized accurately. There are sixteen types, and each type has a base of four (out of eight different) cognitive functions. The types are variants of the following; Introverted or Extroverted, Sensory or Intuitive, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Prospecting. These titles are not meant to label a person themselves, but they represent the functions of each type. For example, the ISTJ's (introverted sensory thinking judging) dominant function is internal sensing, and its auxiliary function is external thinking which is the dominant or auxiliary function of xxTJ types. The eight functions are either external or internal versions of the following; intuition, sensing, thinking, and feeling. A function stack consists of four functions. Let's use the ISTJ as an example again. The ISTJ function stack is Si Te Fi Ne. A stack has a specific structure. The dominant and auxiliary functions must accommodate the four-letter title (ENTP = Ne Ti, ISFJ = Si Fe, etc.). The tertiary function is the opposite of the auxiliary, so if the auxiliary function is Se, then the tertiary will be Ni (internal intuition). This also goes for the dominant and inferior function, so if the dominant is Ti, the inferior will be Fe. The dominant function in the stack is the function that (obviously) comes first and foremost in the user's thinking process, and that is stabilized and balanced by the auxiliary function. The tertiary function is used as somewhat of a comfort mechanism to the user, and the inferior function is something the user will struggle with. A person's shadow functions are the functions that aren't in their stack. The INTP's stack is Ti Ne Si Fe, so their shadow functions resemble the ENTJ - Te Ni Se Fi. Under stress, the INTP may revert to using their shadow functions, as goes for any other type-

"I didn't understand a single word you just said," Aiura sipped a coffee she must have bought while I was writing, "but I'm pretty sure you went off track."

Basically he's a nerd who knows nerd stuff and studies people creepily.

"Accurate, but you didn't have to say it like that, Kusuo."

"Did you see what he wrote about our books? He guessed them all accurately!!" Reita was shameless about the book he held.

Unfortunately.. Kusuo was thinking the same thing.

"What does that mean-"

"Unfortunately is an adverb describing a situation which is unfortunate," I added.

"I OBVIOUSLY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. Wait, do you know our Myers- uhhh.."

"Of course I do! I also know your types among many other systems. For example, Kusuo is INTP 5w6 594 LFEV sp/so SLI phlegmatic."

Phlegmatic.. phlegm? Ew.

"No, not phlegm."

"What does that meANNN-"

Shut up Toritsuka, we're in a book store.

I hate to end this abruptly, but the author wants her laptop back. Thanks for reading, and even if you didn't, thanks for clicking on this chapter at the very least!

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