Cough achoo cough bleurhg part 2

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"Kusuke!!! It's great to see you, son!"

I heard my parents wailing downstairs. I don't get why it's such a big deal that he came home, and to make matters worse, I'm still sick and it's all his fault.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad. You all must be Kusuo's friends, it's nice to meet you!" Kusuke greeted the Psykickers, who were still in my house. "I recognize you, Toritsuka."

"Yeah, you too.." Toritsuka mumbled, lowering his head.

"I assume you're all here to see Kusuo!"

"Oh yeah," Aiura replied, "we were giving him some space because he was tired. We figured he'd want to be left alone."

"Oh, that's a shame because I have to go see him now." Kusuke started for the stairs.

"Before you go upstairs, if you don't mind me asking - what is the thing on your head? It resembles Kusuo's control devices!" Akechi looked at Kusuke with wide eyes, which isn't anything abnormal for him. 

"I'd rather not say," Kusuke replied simply, and headed to my room. My friends whispered to each other. It sounds like they find him suspicious. I'm glad actually, maybe they'll ask him to leave.

He knocked on the door to my room, coming in before I could reply. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of knocking?

"Hey, it's great to see you, baby brother!"

Stop lying and get out.

"No need to be so sour. I'm here to help you."

I said stop lying.

"I'm not! I'm only here to take a look at your control devices, so if you'll just hand them over to me I can fix them up in no time, and you'll have a better chance of surviving- I mean getting better." What.

I can't give them to you unless I go unconscious. And I'm definitely not comfortable being unconscious when you're within a 200 meter radius from me.

"Now now, don't be like that! If anything goes wrong your friends are here to help."

That's even worse.

He ended up just taking them before I could react. I was unconscious for this next part but I'm the narrator so I still have to tell you what happened.

"And then this part goes here.." Kusuke disassembled my power controller as Akechi and Aiura watched with curious eyes. Toritsuka didn't seem to be interested.

"It's amazing how you make these things! I can't imagine that anybody else without powers themselves would be able to find a way to restrict them.." Akechi said.

"I'm flattered!" Kusuke responded. "I have known my brother his whole life, so after observing him and his powers for roughly ten years it wasn't too difficult."

They were growing more fond of him, except for Toritsuka of course. He acted like he was afraid of Kusuke. I don't blame him, especially after what happened in season three. Aiura knows about it too but she must have forgotten, and Akechi knows none the wiser.

"I have a question." Toritsuka finally spoke up, though his voice was very quiet and meek. "What exactly are you doing to Saiki- I mean Kusuo-.. I mean his controllers?"

"There's no need to worry. I found a fault in the system, like a computer virus, and I'm just removing it."

"You say that like he's a robot!" Aiura blurted.

"Well, he's probably not human, either," Kusuke chuckled.

"You're not lying about it?" Toritsuka mumbled.

"Of course not.." 

Several long moments later, I woke up with my controllers back in. Toritsuka was there with me, with a concerned expression on his face. He was alone.

"Saiki! Are you alright?!"

Yeah. Migraine, nausea, feeling like toilet water. I'm good.

"So not good..?"


"Um, anyways, I brought coffee jelly for you. I also need to talk to you." He handed me a package of coffee jelly, which I took eagerly, thanking him. I noticed his hands shaking.

"I think you're brother's up to something. And I know you probably figured that out- " he quickly added, "but I'm- I'm afraid.. you know, he's like, the epitome of malice."

I don't think there's anything to worry about-

"No, listen. He got Aiura and Akechi wrapped up in what he was doing, and he made it seem okay.. but you know, I don't trust him. He's the only guy who's able to help you, and he hates you, which is awful, so I don't think he's trying to help you at all, but Aiura and Akechi trust him, and what if, he, you know, like, he-"

Calm down.

"What if he ends up killing you?!" Toritsuka shouted. I wasn't prepared for that.

He won't kill me. He wouldn't..

"You're super vulnerable right now, though.. jeez, I'm sorry if I worried you, wipe that look off your face! You're scaring me."

Um.. thank you for.. worrying about me. But I think I'll be okay.

"Sure, if there's anything I can do- oh, you ate that coffee jelly really quickly."

Mom was talking about how they care about me, and she wasn't wrong about Toritsuka.. it kind of makes me feel guilty. The other two are unassuming. I won't complain though, I really can't

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