Episode 4

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Where we last left off, the Z-Warriors have bitten off a bit more than they can chew. The Saibamen went down easily enough, but then Nappa, the larger of the two invaders, entered the fight. Chiaotzu made a valiant kamikaze effort but proved feckless. Additionally, Tien is looking worse for wear, missing a hand and battered on the ground. Deciding to be his next opponent, Raditz steps up to the plate. Will he be able to succeed where the other two have failed? 

                                A Hero's Arrival Is Nigh!

                            Clash For The Fate Of Earth!

Raditz and Nappa stand a fair distance away from each other, starting one another down. Nappa holds a confident, albeit slightly mocking, grin. Raditz bears a stern glare, secretly eager to show Nappa that he's no longer the "runt" he and Vegeta once knew.

Nappa: Well, you gonna make a move, or should I throw the first punch?

Raditz merely takes a deep breath and, in an instant, blitzes towards Nappa and nails him in the cheek with a punch that sends him skidding backwards. Nappa, understandably caught off guard took a moment to comprehend what just happened. Did "Raditz the Runt" deal actual damage to him? This was gonna be interesting.

Nappa(Impressed): So the runt can throw down huh? Alright then, entertain me!

Raditz: Krillin, Piccolo, your assistance would be appreciated.

Krillin(Nervous): R-right.

Piccolo: To think that a year ago we were trying to kill each other, and now we're fighting together. Alright, let's do this.

Yamcha(Nervous): What should I do?

Raditz: For the time being you should retreat. If things go south, at the very least one of us survives.

Yamcha(Shock): What!? You can't just expect me to turn tail on you guys!

Raditz(Stern): This is not up for debate! If anything, perhaps you can meet up with my brother when he arrives and bring him back here!

Yamcha: ...fine. I don't like this, but I'll go. None of you had better go dying on me! 

With that, Yamcha flew off into the distance, as the remaining Z-Fighters, bar Tien, face down the brute saiyan.

Nappa: I'll admit, that sucker punch of yours caught me off guard, but let's see if can manage yourself in a real fight!

Raditz: Oh, I'll do more than "manage" you oaf. Gohan, you stay here. When I give the word, that's when you follow up, ok?

Gohan(Scared): M-me? Wh-what if I--

Raditz(Stern): Now is not the time for doubt Gohan! *Quietly* Besides, we're not fighting to win. While it would be ideal, the goal is to wait for your father to arrive. Understand?

Gohan(Nervous): O-ok, I'll try.

Raditz: Right then, break!

Raditz, Krillin, and Piccolo lunge forward and launch their assault on Nappa as the latter meets them halfway. Meanwhile, off to the side, Vegeta address Yerlec.

Vegeta: What's the matter, not going to aid your pathetic little friends?

Yerlec: I will step when I feel it's necessary. Not to mention, someone has to keep an eye on you.

Vegeta: Hmph, sounds like a excuse to me. Did killing that Saibamen give you a swelled head? Don't get too cocky, that is mere child's play compared to me, the prince.

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