Episode 12

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Last time on DragonBall Variant! The Z-Fighters took to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for some efficient training to take down Cell. Unfortunately luck was not on their side, as he had absorbed Androids 17 and 18, reaching his Perfect Form! In a small ray of hope, Cell gave the citizens of earth 10 days to prepare their strongest fighters for his tournament, the "Cell Games". Doubling down on their training, the Z-Fighters make their way to the arena. Will their training pay off, or is the game over before it started?

                                                Anger Surges Me Forward!

                                               Fight For The Fate of Earth!

The Z-Team were as ready as they'd ever be for the fight ahead. They were set to head out to Cell's location, bidding farewell to any loved ones in case of a worse case scenario.  When the Z-Fighters, alongside Android 16, arrive on the battlefield, they see Cell standing smack dab in his make-shift arena, looking almost happy to see the group arrive. They also spot some others on the sidelines. One that Yerlec recognizes as Hercule, the latter noticing him too, as well as a cameraman and announcer.

Hercule: Well, well, well. If it ain't Yerlec! Fancy seeing you here!

Krillin: Yerlec, you know this guy?

Yerlec: We've met.

Hercule: I never did get to thank you properly for saving my daughter, but now I can by saving the planet from this creep!

Yerlec(Unease): While I applaud your enthusiasm, I don't think that's a good idea. Cell isn't just another contestant to toss around.

Hercule(Smug): I understand your concern as a police officer, but believe me I say that I, Hercule Satan, will beat down this bug for everyone to see!

Announcer: You hear that folks!? Our champion has all but declared his victory! If I were Cell, I'd go back into whatever hole I crawled out of and stay there!

Vegessa: Well, he's dead. Worse case scenario, he gets wished back when this all blows over.

With all his bravado on display, Hercule rushed forward and bombarded Cell with a flurry of attacks. Alas, they may as well have just been mosquito bites, as not only does Cell not budge an inch nor bat an eye...

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...he also casually batted Hercule away into a far off rock face.

Vegessa(Amused): Hmph, I'm surprised he let the oaf live. 

Cell: Now with the riff-raff out of the way, the tournament can begin.

Goku: If that's the case, I think I'll go first.

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