Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming

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In the vast vacuum of space, one single spacecraft is seen zooming throughout the final frontier. Inside is the saiyan warrior Yerlec, on his way to his home planet of Vegeta. That of which was recently restored by his wish on New Namek. What lies ahead once he lands? What will the saiyans on his home planet be like? He wouldn't have to wait long, because he could see it over the horizon.

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Yerlec: There it is, Planet Vegeta. ...home.

He rests his palm on the window as he gazed upon the planet he was born. A sense of longing and mild familiarity made its way into his core. He found himself landing on planet, amidst a bunch of saiyan natives. Once on planet, we took a beep breath and took in his surroundings. He then made his way around, taking in the atmosphere. While some of the locals pondered him and his arrival, most were confused on how they were alive. They remember their death after a large attack blew up them and their world, then they were ... somewhere. It felt like an eternity and a half, then all of a sudden they were back home! If they only knew the truth... After some time of wandering around someone, called out to him in a rather stern tone of voice.

???: You! State your business on my planet!

His planet? Then that could only be one person.

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There he was, King Vegeta III. The resemblance was staggering, even down to the arrogance in his tone. Speaking of which...

King Vegeta(Stern): I won't ask you again. State. Your. Business.

Yerlec: Well, this is a cozy welcome. I came here to visit my home planet after its initial destruction and this is my welcome party?

King Vegeta: Quite the nerve you have to mouth off to your king. You should learn to show respect.

Yerlec: Respect is earned, not given.

King Vegeta: Hmph, lucky for you I have other matters to attend to. Otherwise I'd show you your place. Next we meet, an apology better be the first thing that leaves your mouth.

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