Yerlec's Bio V2

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Name: Yerlec

Sex: Male

Species: Full-Blooded Saiyan

Hair: Jet-Black, neck length spiky hair

Skin Tone: Deep Tan

Eye Color: Onyx

Outfit as Follows:

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Notable Features:

*Yerlec's tail is jet-black, unlike the usual brown found on most saiyans, and  his Great Ape form reflects this

*He used to keep his hair slicked back, but due to it spiking back up every time he went Super Saiyan, he decided to keep it as is

*Has a faded horizontal scar along the bridge of his nose

*Has a vestige of his original self in his mindscape


*Expert Combat Prowess

*Superhuman Strength

*Superhuman Speed

*Extraordinary Intellect


*Ki Manipulation


*Can Breath in Space


Volcano Cannon: Yerlec's signature move. A yellow and orange spiraling blast fired by one hand in a three finger claw-like fashion

Livid Volcano Cannon: A variant of Yerlec's signature move. A spiraling red and yellow version of Volcano Cannon

Eye Beams: Thin red beams fired from the eyes

Death Beam: A thin red beam fired from the index finger

Barrage Death Beam: Multiple Death Beams fired in rapid succession

Torture Tactics: Subdues the enemy with his tail, fires Barrage Death Beams at point-blank range and then kicks the poor soul away

Death Gavel: A powerful axe kick charged with Ki

Death Lash: A Ki-infused tail whip

Death Gashes: An onslaught of Death Lashes

Death Geyser: An eruption of blue energy that explodes from the ground

Collision Breaker: A powerful corkscrew punch charged with Ki

Collison Parade: A barrage of blows followed by a ki-charged blow to the chest

Collision Slicer: Twin upward kicks that slice into the target

Collision Fissure: A supremely powerful ki-infused blow that devastates the enemy

Knuckle Duster Express: Unleashes a barrage of punches while charging forward finishing with a Collision Breaker

U-Turn Impact: A heavy turn-around Ki charged haymaker

Smolder Grenade: A thrown burning yellow Ki ball that erupts into a geyser at the snap of a finger

Gigaton Fracture: A brutal, yet effective, Ki charged headbutt

Magma Burst: A large explosion of Ki from the body

Supernova: An enormous ball of orange Ki capable of mass havoc

Power Ball: A ball of Ki combined with the atmosphere of a given planet creating makeshift Blutz Waves to instigate the Great Ape transformation

Instant Transmission: Transports himself and anyone in physical contact long distances at a moments notice

Cloning: Able to conjure up to three clones at a time.

Death Shatter: A double axe handle charged with Ki in Great Ape form

Death Trample: A series of ground-shaking stomps in Great Ape form

Death Charge: An all-out charge while cloaked in Ki in Great Ape form

Death Cannon: A blast fired from the mouth in Great Ape form

Murder Cannon: Multiple Ki blasts from the mouth in Great Ape form

Primal Eruption: A massive wave of Ki burst from the ground in Great Ape form

Aira Caldera: A gargantuan Volcano Cannon fired in Great Ape form


Great Ape: A gargantuan form, instigated by the Blutz Waves found in a full moon or a Power Ball

Super Saiyan: A transformation spoken of in legend with golden hair and teal eyes, awoken by fury and tempered by purpose

Small Overview: One of the few survivors of Planet Vegeta's destruction, Yerlec had made a home of Earth and made many friends and forged beautiful relationships. After a harrowing experience thanks to the saiyan invaders of Nappa and Vegeta, the casualties of the aftermath were sought to be reversed via a trip to Planet Namek. Many battles were waged as in the end, he alongside Goku achieved the Super Saiyan transformation and put an end to Frieza. The two saiyans made off the expiring planet a landed on Yardrat, where they were healed and taught various techniques by the inhabitants. Eventually they made their way back to Earth, where they are warned of a looming threat. After a surprise visit from Cooler and gaining new armor, he heads out to train hard to overcome the incoming danger.

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