Interlude #2: The Days in Between

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In three years time, an android threat will fall upon the world and bring ruin to all. That was the warning issued by the future saiyans Trunks, Vocado and Vendei. Taking the warning to heart, the Z-Warriors take the time to train as much as they can to prepare for the android threat. A few months have passed since then as we come across Yerlec in Capsule Corp. After talking with Goku, he discovered that he could train in increased gravity thanks to a special training chamber curtesy of Bulma, her father and 21. When he swung by to ask for its use however...

Yerlec(Deadpan): Let me see if I've got this right. During another argument between you and Vegeta, because he told you to, and I quote, "stop mewling like a woman", you took this as your cue to use the Dragon Balls and wish him into a woman. Did I miss anything?

Bulma(Amused): Yeah. You forgot the fact that it's hilarious! *Laughs* All hail the princess of saiyans!

???(Angry): *Growls* Cease your foolish laughter, woman!

The now female Vegeta approaches the two, outside of his ... err, her armor, and looking less than amused.

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Yerlec: ...huh.

Bulma: In case you hadn't noticed, you're a woman now too, "Vegessa".

"Vegessa"(Annoyed): Excuse me!?

Bulma: Just a new name for her highness. A nice blend of Vegeta and Venessa. Fitting, if I say so myself!

Yerlec: ...I'd like to say that I'm a man of respectable intellect and a firm grip on reality. Yet your pettiness has me so dumbfounded, I question whether or not this is a dream. *Sigh* Vegeta, I hope you take this as a warning as to not instigate people, especially those who offer you sanctuary.

Bulma: Yeah, tell 'em Yerlec.

Yerlec(Stern): Don't you start, Bulma. You used the Dragon Balls, artifacts that we should only use in a bind, for something so petty. What if something bad happens this year and I have to tell the others, "oh, we can't use the Dragon Balls because Bulma was busy giving Vegeta a pair of breasts"?

Bulma(Sheepish): I ... I guess I didn't think about that.

Yerlec: *Sighs* Nothing we can do about it now. At any rate, I came here for permission to use to gravity chamber.

Bulma: Hate to say it, but you're out of luck with that. It got destroyed after this one took it too far. In fact, that's what led up to the argument that led to this. It'll take some time, but it's going through repairs and improvements.

Yerlec: I see. Very well, I'll find another place to train. Care to join me, Vegeta? 

Vegessa: Me?

Yerlec: Yes. I figured with Goku preoccupied training with Gohan and Piccolo, you could use a training partner. You interested?

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