Episode 7

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Last time on DragonBall Variant! The Z-Fighters began a reluctant alliance with Vegeta against the Ginyu Force, Frieza's elite fighting team. There were many hard fought battles to be had, with Vegeta and Yerlec taking most of the damage until Goku's arrival. Even with his arrival however, a sneaky play by Captain Ginyu put Goku out of commission, rendering him stuck in a healing pod. The remaining Z-Fighters managed to get the Dragon Balls and wish Piccolo back to life, restoring the Earth Dragon Balls, as well as wishing him to Namek. Before a third wish could be made, Guru sadly passed away, rendering the Dragon Balls inactive. To make matters worse, Frieza had appeared, looking less than happy. What will become of our heroes? Find out, now!

                                        Stand Tall Against A Tyrant!

                                       Frieza, Menace of The Galaxy!

The tension was thick, as Frieza, now deprived of his wish, stared down the group.

Frieza: I'll humbly admit, I never expected this would happen. To have my plans thwarted so utterly by this little motley crew.

Frieza floats down from the cliff he resided on and lands in front of the group, putting them all on edge. None more so than Vegeta and Yerlec.

Frieza: I knew that you'd turn on me eventually Vegeta. I never knew when, but I could always see you thinking, scheming. As for you Yerlec, it's obvious that you've always hated me, so I suppose this confrontation was inevitable. I hoped you enjoyed your little rebellion, because now you'll feel my wrath!

Vegeta: *Grins* "Feel your wrath" you say? I'd love to see that.

Yerlec(Annoyed): Yes, goad the angry tyrant why don't you? 

Frieza wastes no more time and charges towards Vegeta and Yerlec, while Krillin, Gohan and Dende get out of the way of the ensuing scuffle. Frieza fires off ki blasts at the two full-blooded saiyans as they dodge out of the way. Meanwhile, Krillin and Gohan try to sneak from behind with pot shots of their own. Alas, the tyrant was unfazed, as he counteracted with his own power, blowing them back and putting them on the defensive as well. Eventually, they find themselves in the path of a blast, when Vegeta punches it off course, a cocky grin plastered on his features.

Vegeta(Smug): You see that Frieza, I'm not just some lapdog for you anymore. I am the mighty prince of saiyans! More than that, it's only a matter of time before I become a Super Saiyan, your worst nightmare!

Frieza(Amused): "Only a matter of time"? A shame you don't have much time left!

The two of them charge at one another and meet in a fierce struggle, as they lock hands. Their power was pouring out of them in waves, as Frieza's scouter couldn't take it and promptly exploded. The two of them backed off for a moment before Frieza spoke up.

Frieza: Well I must admit, I'm surprised that you lasted this long against me. I expected this to be over before it began, yet here you are.

Vegeta: Well, if it's getting to difficult for you, why don't you go ahead and transform?

Krillin(Shock): T-transform!?

Yerlec(Mad): Vegeta, what are you doing?

Frieza: How did you come across that information?

Vegeta: Hmph, I heard from that fool Zarbon.

Frieza: I see, well I suppose I could indulge you. Granted, I keep my true form under wraps as to not get too carried away. 

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