Episode 9

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Last time on DragonBall Variant! A bout ensued on the battle-damaged planet Namek between Frieza and the duo of Goku and Yerlec in their newly acquired Super Saiyan forms. After a fierce battle, the tyrant had fallen by Yerlec's hand. Goku and himself then fled the expiring planet and made off for parts unknown. Meanwhile on Earth, the Z-Team had wished back all of their fallen friends and were prepared to wish Yerlec and Goku to Earth once they learned that they were alive. However, they were told that they wished not to return at the moment and would comeback on their own. With things as they were, the group decide to merely bide their time and wait for their arrival. Little did they know, that danger was on the horizon...

An Ice-Cold Reunion!

Mysterious Youths And Their Warning!

Life was fairly calm for the moment, as the Z-Team carried on about their lives. The big change was the presence of Vegeta, a change that put everyone on noticeable edge. In a display of, what some would call recklessness, Bulma offered sanctuary to the saiyan prince! It's been a few days since the agreement, but there are still concerns held by the group.

Yamcha: I'm still not sure about this Bulma. Did you forget that he's the reason you and the others had to go to space in the first place!?

21: I agree with Yamcha. He was certainly less than forthcoming back on Namek. Especially when he blasted that hole in Yerlec unwarranted.

Bulma: Trust me, I get where you guys are coming from. But I think this beats having him off who knows where out in the world. This way we can keep an eye on him in.

Yamcha(Uneasy): But aren't you worried he might try something?

Bulma: Not really. Even if he does, once Yerlec gets back and gets wind of it, he'll deal with it.

Vegeta, who had been standing idly nearby made a noise of indignation, but otherwise said nothing.

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After the altercation on Namek and the Z-Team wishing back those that had fallen, Vegeta had taken one of the Capsule Corp spacecrafts and gone off into space to look for Goku and Yerlec. Try as he might, he simply wasn't able to locate them anywhere, and thusly returned to Earth. Much to his, and everyone else's surprise, Bulma offered the prince to stay at Capsule Corp. Initially reluctant, he had no alternative place of residence, so he took up her offer. Living here had not been terrible, aside from the outfit...

Yamcha: Ok then, I guess that makes-!

It was then that Yamcha and 21 sensed something strong incoming, and in 21's case, something familiar. Frieza! But there was something else there, something resembling Frieza's power! What ever it was, it didn't bode well. Bringing Bulma along, 21, Vegeta and Yamcha head off to where the energy was coming from. Along the way, they came across the other Z-Fighters who were also on their way to the menace. Tensions were high, as the Z-Team caught wind of Vegeta's presence. None more so than Raditz and especially Nappa. Before things could escalate, Piccolo let out a shout, informing them that Frieza had arrived! Indeed, a ship identical to Frieza's came landing and let out came Frieza, albeit looking a bit worse for wear. To make matters worse, he wasn't alone.

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