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This story takes place, like, after Chen and Haruki graduated (and are both currently in college) so yah. It was fun writing this book, :). Enjoy the epilogue.


"Lu ge!!!!!!!!! Wake up, NOW!" Xiumin screamed at Luhan's ear. "OH MAH GERDD WHAT THE- HYUNG!" Luhan whined as he saw Xiumin. "Oh, you woke up." Xiumin realized as he saw Luhan's wide awake face. "Why'd you have to scream, huh?! I was having a perfect dream, and you woke me up!" Luhan felt like crying so bad.

"Oh, what was your perfect dream about?"

"It was about hyung sweating!"

"Aish! That's not perfect!"

"It's perfect, I couldn't imagine anything better!"

"You gay pervert!"

"Yah, yah, hyung come here!"

Luhan grabbed Xiumin's hand then pulled him to bed with him.

"Yah! What the--"

"I'm sleepy... Zz...."


And there Xiumin laid, helpless against Luhan's possessive hug.

Can you imagine? 21 year old Luhan and 24 year old Xiumin together in a bed, hugging each other. Totally manly.

Over the past years, Luhan has tried getting over Haruki and his feelings are disappearing little by little, he was glad Minseok was there to comfort him. Luhan was on his college break.

Xiumin has been doing great, when Luhan would cry over Haruki he was there to comfort him, and he knew that slowly, Luhan was getting over it. But he knew Luhan, he always had a far distant look everytime Chen and Haruki came to visit the cafe once in a while. Xiumin though, is gay. With all the blushes he gets when Luhan teases him, he knew he was gay for Luhan. And he was slowly trying to seduce him. Minseok currently works as a barista for maid cafe.

Krystal stood in front of the house of her past love, Minseok. Back in the day, when Minseok courted her, she was really interested in him, but then she met Myungsoo, and forgot about Minseok.

"Something on your mind, Soojung?"

"Oh, Kyungsoo!" Krystal said, surprised as Kyungsoo popped behind her. "What are you doing out here?" Kyungsoo asked. Krystal sighed and looked back at Minseok's house. "I just... Decided to reminisce on memories for once." Krystal said and thought back to when Minseok brought her to his house, and his parents weren't there.

"Minseok oppa, where are your parents?"

"Oh, uh.... They don't hang out here very often."

".. Really? Why?"


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want-"

"Mom is always out looking for money, and dad.... Dad.... He is barely home for.... Reasons I don't want to talk about."

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