Chapter 7 :: The Centaurs

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"The Wyvern Trainers attacked your islands?" Hyunjin asked as he took a couple steps back, "This is much, much worse than I thought."

"We must send a message to the palace immediately," Y/n said, "We'll have to put off helping the Ogre's for now. Let's-"

"Wait! Wait. The centaurs have been attacked as well," another man, who was out of breath, said as he ran up from behind them.

Y/n's grip on his sword tightened as chills ran through his body. A war like this could've broken out at any time, but why did it have to be then? Why was Y/n put into such a complicated position? He took a deep breath and nodded.

"Have your cities and villages been evacuated to safer areas since the violence started?" he asked and the three nodded, "Then that's all we can do until we reach the rest of the royal family. Han, would you be able to send a message to Changbin about the situation?"

Han nodded, "Of course I can. I'll do it right now."

Y/n took another deep breath as Han walked a few feet away before saying, "I'm sorry Hyunjin, but we'll have to split up again. I want you to go with Chan to get a gauge on the situation with the Ogre's. Han should be able to take care of the Wyvern Trainers by himself. Who's attacked the Centaurs?"

The man who reported the attack had finally caught his breath and said, "The Dwarves."

"Of course it's the Dwarves. I should've expected as much considering the Merfolk are aquatic," he rubbed his face and nodded to himself as he made a decision, "I can fight Dwarves, so I will go back to the Centaur's Grove to help as much as I can there," Y/n met Hyunjin's eyes and he offered him a smile, "There's nothing else that we are able to do. So, I promise to be safe, and I hope that you can promise me the same."

Hyunjin nodded with his fists clenched at his sides as he whispered, "I promise."

Y/n nodded then motioned to the two newcomers, "Please, dear heroes, give us your names."

"I am no hero," the Centaur man shook his head, "I am simply a messenger. My name is Minho, Minho Lee. I am a Human who was left to live with the Centaurs at a young age."

"Not too different from one of our party members," Y/n mumbled to himself, "What about you Dragon Trainer?"

"My name is Jeongin and my official Trainer title is I.N. It brings me great joy to see how quickly you've come up with a solution to our predicament. Warfare can be taxing. I commend you for that sir," Jeongin bowed his head in respect.

"No need. Taking action like this comes with being a soldier. Are you done sending that message Han?"

"I just finished," Han walked back with a smile, "I'm Han and this is my friend Y/n. I look forward to working with you."

Jeongin bowed his head once again, "Not only do I appreciate your support, but the rest of the Trainers will as well."

Han looked at Y/n out of the corner of his eye for only a slight moment before bowing his head back, "Of course."

Y/n pat Hyunjin on the shoulder before joining Minho's side. He looked back at Han who's eyes were already trained on him. Han's green eye flashed before he looked away. Y/n blinked and frowned before shaking it off.

"I hope that we will return to each other safely," he looked at everyone before nodding to himself, "We'll meet again in the Elven kingdom."

Hyunjin walked to Y/n's side and whispered in his ear, "No matter what happens to me, you must stay safe. We will surely return to each other."

"Of course," he replied with a soft smile, "You must stay safe as well."

"I will," he placed a small bag into Y/n's hand and met his eyes, "Use this if you find yourself in a life or death situation. It will surely save your life."

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