Chapter 5: Hidden Surprise's.

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Currently sitting down on the porch of her new temporary home was Tsuande drinking a small plate of sake.

As he looked out to the trees near to her, she saw her son five year old son Naruto, whom she had been watching for the past four hours running up and down the tree he had been climbing by channelling his Chakra from his feet.

Tsuande could not help but smirk at all the energy that her son had, most kids his age wouldn't have enough Chakra to go up even a quarter ways up the tree, let alone be able to channel their small Chakra reserves to their feet and even try to walk up the tree.

They had began Naruto training when he was four and slowly increased the training little by little. At first they only had him running, but soon after they started him to teach him to read and how to channel Chakra, do different exercises and wear weights.

It had been a trouble getting him to settle down enough so to teach him to read, since like when he was a baby Naruto was still a very active child who did not like to stay still long. But eventually they were able to get his interest into reading by having plenty of pictures with animals on it since he enjoyed animals. Over time Naruto gained an interest in reading especially if the books had pictures in it.

Also when they started to train Naruto in his Chakra training they learned that the best way to teach him was to visually show and explained it to him, so to keep his attention since he could be easily board.

But even still when Naruto started to train to control and use his Chakra they learned two things. The first was that he had very high Chakra reserves for a boy his age.

Currently Naruto's Chakra level was that of a young Genin and although that dose not seems very high, the fact that a four year old boy had that level was astounding. When Tsunade asked Jiraiya about this he said it was not unexpected for Jinchūriki's to have high Chakra levels. Due to them having a demon spirit inside them where their bodies would adapted to handle the strain by having their Chakra coils thicken and reserves become larger, so they can handle the excel Chakra that would come from their Bijū's after being diluted by their seals.

The second thing they learned was that Naruto had inherited her natural flawless Chakra control. They learned this when Naruto was given his first Chakra control exercise and to keep a leaf stuck on his head in which he got it on the first go after it was explained to him. It was proven even further when he was able to channel his Chakra to his feet and walk up on a tree with just his feet.

This was surprise since in most cases whenever someone had large Chakra reserves their control was not very good. While when someone had excellent Chakra control they had small reserves, but Naruto had both without either of the negative affects.

When Tsunade and Jiraiya and learned this it pushed away any remaining doubt about Naruto being a highly skilled Ninja one day.

The reason why Naruto was doing the exercise now was to help increase his stamina (not that it needed much improving since Naruto proved to be a stamina monster), and in the increase of his Chakra reserves while at the same time keeping his control high as well.

"Ok Naru-chan that enough for today, why don't you take a break for today since you don't want to overexert yourself by training too much". said Tsunade as she saw her son was getting tired

"But Ka-chan....pant!... I can..... pant!...still...pant!...keep going...pant". said the clearly tired by

Tsunade just smiled at her little boy trying to act tough "I know that Naru-chan but why don't you and me go into town and have an ice-pop since it such a warm day and as a reward for working so hard".

At this little Naruto smiled and jumped up and yelled happily at having a treat after which he and his mother went down town.

Not long after Naruto and Tsunade where walking through town each licking an ice-pop. Tsunade had her special Genjutsu on where everyone in town saw her as a medium sized raven haired woman with blue eyes, while Naruto just saw her as she usually was.

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