Chapter 9: Return.

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About two years after meeting Killer Bee and his team as well as meeting the Fire Daimyo, Naruto was on his way to Konoha to become an official Ninja there.

At first his mother was against the idea but after Jiraiya reminded her that Naruto needed to go there to master his Mokuton Bloodline, along with the fact that with the Akatsuki now starting to move around. It would be in Naruto's best interest to join Konoha where Konoha could help support him and even help protect him when they eventually come after him whether it was for his Mokuton Bloodline or the Kyuubi

Eventually after much arguing Tsunade finally agreed that Naruto would go to Konoha, which made Naruto happy as he had wanted to go to the place he was born and that was founded by his ancestors.

Currently accompanying Naruto on his journey to Konoha was Jiraiya, as his mother and Shizune along with TonTon were in Kiba no Kuni (Fang Country) currently dealing with a disease that had spread in a large town in the Country, where many people in the town had been affected by it. Once the disease had been dealt with Tsunade said that she would meet Naruto in Konoha.

Naruto was fairly tall for his age as he was about five foot two; he wore a Black sleeveless vest with a Green sleeveless zip up top over it. He also wore Green pants and Black boots with Green elbow pads and Green fingerless gloves, also on his back he carried the Katana that Killer Bee gave him in its sheath on his back with the sling to keep it there around his chest. (1)

Soon enough Jiraiya and Naruto could see the large gateway for Konoha in the distance; once Jiraiya saw the gateway he stopped and turned to Naruto.

"Ok brat this is where we part ways for now", said Jiraiya

"What do you mean Ero-sennin? ...Aren't you coming with me into Konoha and explain everything to jiji?" asked Naruto.

A tick mark appeared on Jiraiya head at being called the nickname as he hated being called that and he couldn't get Naruto to call him something else, plus it didn't help with the fact that Tsunade encouraged and praised him every time he called Jiraiya that.

Quickly deciding to ignore Naruto's nickname of him, Jiraiya decided to explain why he wasn't going to Konoha with him.

"Sorry brat, but I have somewhere I need to go first, but once I have that done I will comeback here", answered Jiraiya.

At this Naruto raised his left eyebrow as he didn't believe Jiraiya,

"Does this little side trip involve you going to some Hot spring to look a naked girls, because if it is Ero-sennin not only will I tell Kaa-chan about you leaving me to go off peeping. But I will also administer my own form or payback on you", said Naruto with a evil look and smirk on his face that he had inherited from his mother, which never ceased to freak Jiraiya out at how much Naruto was like his mother.

But what got Jiraiya really worried was Naruto mentioning that he would administer his own punishment, as Naruto was vicious when he was punishing someone.

"Hey...Hey...Hey now Naruto there no need to for that as I'm on the up and up on this...don't you believe me".

"Nope", deadpanned Naruto, which caused Jiraiya to fall on the ground after hearing Naruto's reply and muttered about disrespectful brats these days.

"Well I'm serious this time, I'm meeting a contact of mine who sent word to me yesterday that he had information for me and I have to meet somewhere. But once I have that done I will come back here....ok" said Jiraiya.

For a moment Naruto said nothing, but then sighed and then spoke, "Fine then! ...but I promise you Ero-sennin, if this is one of your "research" missions for one of your books. I will make sure that you pay for skipping out on me again and it will be worse off than that time at Crater city and I will reveal you "little secret" to everyone in the village".

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