Chapter 7: Chance Meeting.

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It had been two years after the event in Oni no Kuni and during that time Naruto had changed a good bit since then. After nearly being captured and killed by the Ame-nins, Tsunade had doubled Naruto's training regimen as well as his Medical studies.

She had also called in Jiraiya and informed him of the events that happened and asked him to create a tracking seal for Naruto and place it on him. Jiraiya did this by carving a tracking Seal onto a chain earring and putting it onto Naruto's right ear.

This way, if ever Naruto was in trouble or was missing, Tsunade or Jiraiya could easily track Naruto with it, since they would wear special rings with seals on them, which would allow them to track down Naruto wherever he went. The Seal also worked where if Naruto channelled his Chakra into the Chain earring, Jiraiya and Tsunade's rings would heat up and tell them that he was in trouble and needed help.

Tsunade also put her Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) on Naruto's forehead and then taught him how to focus and store Chakra into it and then release it. So to use the Infūin: Kai (Yin Seal: Release), so that if he was ever seriously hurt he could use it to heal himself. Tsunade had done this since she would rather have Naruto shorten his life very slightly than lose it entirely.

Naruto had also become more dedicated to his training ever since his fight with the Ame-nins, where he had gotten a first-hand experience of how dangerous the life of a Shinobi was. He had also used his desire to protect his family and friends to focus more on becoming stronger. So that he could protect his friends and family better, since he knew that the day would come when they would be unable to help him and they would need him to protect them in turn.

During Naruto's training they focused a great deal on Naruto mastering his new super human strength and although he could use it much better than he used to. He still was not on the same level as his mother, but still could do a lot of damage to people and things. Naruto had also gotten better in using Medical Jutsu's as he was able to assist his mother in healing people with non-life threatening injuries or illness. He had even proven to be more skilled in certain areas than Tsunade, where he could use Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpels) in close combat in a fight.

During a training spar, Naruto showed that he was precise enough to be able to effectively cut several muscle tissues and tendons on her arms and legs and made it hard for her to move quickly enough or correctly.

Tsunade also trained Naruto in Genjutsu where he showed to be surprisingly skilled in it where, he was able to quickly grasp the concept of Genjutsu. For example when Naruto caught Jiraiya trying to peak into the women's hot-spring he put Jiraiya in a Genjutsu so that instead of seeing naked girls Jiraiya would see old naked ladies with loads of wrinkles on their body.

Jiraiya's screams of horror, could heard all around the town when it happened and caused him to have a cardiac arrest. While at the same time Naruto maniac laughing could also be heard, since over time Naruto had inherited several traits from Tsunade. The first was that he liked to gamble, but wasn't as addicted to it as Tsunade was and was very good at it. The second was that he had inherited Tsunade nasty short temper; although he could control it better than she could but when he lost it there would be a lot of collateral damage just like with his mother. The third trait was that he got a perverse pleasure of beating up and torturing perverts much to Jiraiya dismay. Who had been the object of most of Naruto attacks on perverts, which involved him pranking Jiraiya. At the same time Naruto had somehow also gained at taste for playing pranks on people and was very good at it.

Jiraiya had also trained him in Ninjutsu and taught him Earth Jutsu's like Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Earth Style: Tearing Earth Turning Palm), Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu (Earth Clone Technique), Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique), Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Technique) and Doton: Doroku Gaeshi (Earth Style: Earth Shore Return). While he also helped him learn Water Jutsu's like Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Violent Water Wave), Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique) and Suiton: Suishi no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Drowning Technique).

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