Chapter 16: Reaction

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After the events in Nami no Kuni (Wave Country), Naruto and his sensei's as well as team seven returned to their village to report to the Hokage of their successful mission. Naturally when the Hokage heard what had happened, he had been surprised as he had not expected things to get so dangerous. But even still he was pleased with how well Naruto and the members of team seven acquitted themselves on the mission.

Upon hearing the full story the Sandaime had decided to give each of the members of the two teams the payment of an A rank mission, for doing so well on a dangerous mission, even though the mission was still classified a C rank mission.

Naturally after hearing this all the members of the two teams were pleased with the extra pay boost, where after they were dismissed by the Sandaime, they each went to celebrate their successful mission in their own way.

Kakashi went off to read in Icha Icha book somewhere quiet.

Sasuke went off to train more in Sharingan.

Sakura followed after Sasuke, asking him for a date to celebrate accomplishing their first real Shinobi mission, where Sasuke naturally replied with a "No" each time the pink haired girl asked.

Naruto, Kushina and Yamato went to Ichiraku Ramen Stand to celebrate, although this time Yamato was going to make sure that he wasn't stuck with the bill this time.

While Sai went of two give his report to his leader.

- ROOT Secret Quarters-

"...and that is what happened Danzo-sama" said Sai as he knelt before the Leader of the "suppose" disbanded ANBU division ROOT aka the Foundation, Shimura Danzō.

"Hmmmm...Interesting, it seems that the boy is progressing faster than I anticipated, as I did not expect him to master Kushina's Kenjutsu style to that point so soon quickly, and his strength is clearly growing with how easily he destroyed the bridge. But even still the boy lets his emotions control him, where he attacked Kakashi to save Zabuza's partner Haku", spoke Danzō, where he frowned at the last part. As he knew that this was the result of Naruto being raised on the teachings of Sarutobi from his mother Tsunade.

For the next few minutes, there was just silence in the room, where Danzō thought over everything that he had heard from Sai.

Soon after though Sai then spoke up, breaking Danzō's from his train of thought, "Will you then be approaching Senju then Danzō-sama?"

"No not yet" replied Danzō as he looked at his subordinate, "As I want you to keep monitoring his progress right now and see how he develops, as the Chunin exams are nearing and I'm interested in seeing how he handles himself in the exam, as well as seeing his abilities first hand".

At this Sai only nodded, where he then kept his head down and only raised it when Danzō spoke again "I also want you to keep monitoring Uchiha Sasuke now, since he has now awakened his Sharinagn bloodline, and is now at a pivotal stage of his development, where he can either become a powerful ally to us or a major threat".

"Hai Danzō-sama" replied Sai, after which Danzō then dismissed him, where Sai quickly Shunshin'd (Body flickered) away, upon which Danzō then simply walked away and out of the room.

-The a few days later at Konoha's Main Gate-

Several days after the events in Nami no Kuni, Naruto was once again ready to do another mission, where much to his pleasure his Sensei Yamato told him that they were now going on their own official C rank mission. Although on this mission it would only be the two of them, since Kushina had been called up by the Hokage to do a high rank mission for him, where she would not for some time.

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