Chapter 4: Breastfeed.

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"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah," babbled baby Naruto as he finished eating his mashed banana with his fingers and got about half of it around his face and on his bib.

"Good-boy Naru-chan, you ate all you bananas. Although you got at least half it on your face and clothes you little devil you," cooed Tsunade as she went to pick up Naruto out of his high chair and smiled at him.

"Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma," babbled Naruto as he saw his mother coming to pick him up to which he giggled as she lifted him out of his chair.

"You're a messy little boy aren't you aren't Naru-chan," Tsunade continued to coo as she looked down at her messy son who just giggled more, then put one of his fingers in his mouth to make himself look innocent and more adorable.

She just shook her head a smiled slightly, "You're just like your father, a real charmer when you want to be." Naruto laughed and clapped his small hands together as if agreeing with her.

"Shizune! I'm going into the next room to change Naru-chan out of his messy clothes; will you please clean his high chair up and put it away while I'm doing that?" Tsunade called as she went to the next room.

"Certainly Tsunade-sensei," Shizune answered from the kitchen.

As Tsunade was changing Naruto out of his dirty clothes, she thought about when she left Konoha and when Naruto was born.

During that time not much had happened since Tsunade made sure to keep a low a profile. This past year she had traveled mainly around Fire Country and the other smaller nations with baby Naruto and Shizune. They would stay in small villages, towns, or cities for a few months before they would move off again not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

When they traveled or was not in the privacy of her current home, she would put a special henge over herself and Shizune to change their appearance to everyone but Naruto so that he would not get scared or confused when he did not recognize them. This was to make sure that if someone was looking for them, they would be unable to know where to start looking.

As they traveled to different places she would offer her services as a healer to people with different illness or injuries. Though she did not need the money since the money Minato had set up for Sarutobi to send them through her Slug summons was enough to allow them to live simple but comfortable lives. Tsunade did it because it made her happy and gave her something to do when not caring or playing with Naruto.

Also during the year, Naruto was growing up to be a very active child. He loved to play around in his play pen with his different toys and when he started crawling about three months ago he could hardly stay in the same place for too long. He would also grab anything he could get his hands on and that he could put in his mouth. On more than one occasion, Tsunade and Shizune had just barely stop Naruto from swallowing or choking a coin, a marble, and other small objects.

He also had a knack for getting into trouble. On several occasions Naruto somehow climbed up onto a chair, table, or even a shelf whenever he saw something he wanted on them. This resulted in him nearly falling off and getting hurt each time but thankfully Tsunade or Shizune where able to catch him and keep him from getting hurt. Though Tsunade nearly had a heart attack each and every time it happened. It was after the second one of those incidents that both Shizune and she decided that one of them would always have Naruto within eyesight for their own peace of mind.

After Tsunade finished changing Naruto, she lifted him up in her arms and cooed "Now that you're nice and clean again, you're a handsome boy. Aren't you my little Naru-chan?" Naruto just replied by squealing in delight and clapping his hand again.

Tsunade then went out to the main room where Shizune was just finishing putting away Naruto's high chair. She then went to sit down on a chair and began to loosen up her robes and lowered the strap to her bra to expose her left breast. She then brought Naruto up to it so that he could start feeding. After which Shizune then went to another chair opposite Tsunade and began to read a new medical book she had recently bought.

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