Chapter 10: Revealed.

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- 9:00 Konoha Council Room-

In the early hours of the next morning The Council room in Konoha was busy with activity as all the Clan Heads of all of Konoha's major Clans along with several Civilian Council members, as well as the ANBU Commander and the Shinobi Elders Homura, Koharu and Danzo.

They had all been gathered here in this early hour due to the Sandaime Hokage had summoned them all for a special emergency Council meeting. Although the strange thing was that none of them knew what was the emergency that the Hokage had summon them for, not even the Hokage's advisors, the Shinobi Elders.

After a little while, once everyone had settled into their seats in the Council room, the Sandaime Hokage entered the room and took his high seat in the Council room.

"Good-morning to you all and thank you all for coming so quickly for this meeting in this early hour on such short notice as I know it must be an inconvenience for you all", spoke Sarutobi.

"What is it that was so urgent that you had to speak to us about Hokage-sama" asked Homura.

"The reason why I have gathered you all here today is to inform you all that yesterday a new Genin hopeful, a young boy in fact, has arrived and will be participating in the Academy exam today to become a Genin of our village", answered Sarutobi.

"Surely you did not call this meeting just to tell us this?" asked Koharu.

"Actually I did Koharu" replied Sarutobi surprising many at the Hokage calling a meeting for such a trivial matter.

"Then there must be something different about this boy then, if you called this meeting to tell us about him", spoke Nara Shikaku who was on the verge of falling to sleep during this "troublesome" meeting.

At this Sarutobi smirked "Trust a Nara to hit the nail with the hammer"

"You are quite correct Nara-san as there is indeed something different with this boy", answered the Sandaime with a growing smirk, "This boy has lived and has been trained outside the village for his whole life".

"And you have let this boy, who is an outsider to our village in it, and allowed him to try and become a Shinobi for our village without even scanning him or interrogating him", spoke Danzo with a raised eyebrow. "It seems that you are getting senile in your old age Sarutobi, to let a boy from outside our village, who you say has been trained in the Shinobi arts outside our village, and let him try and become a Shinobi for our village. For all we know the boy could be a deep cover spy sent into our village to spy on it".

Letting the insult about his ability to run the village slide, Sarutobi decided to answer Danzo remark as he was going to enjoy the look on Danzo we he revealed Naruto heritage (or at least partly reveal it).

"The scanning and the interrogation was not needed Danzo as I know who the boy is and his mother who trained him", replied Sarutobi with his smirk growing all the more.

"And exactly who is this boy Hokage-sama?" asked Yamanaka Inoichi who was starting to get annoyed, as the Hokage had yet to answer the question, as to who was this boy and why he was being allowed to skip the four year long training in the Academy and go right to the exam.

"The boy name is Naruto or to be more precise...Senju Naruto", said Sarutobi with a grin, as he saw the utter shocked and stunned looks on all the Council members face's.

Nara Shikaku was now wide awake and wide eyed,

Yamanaka Inoichi jaw had dropped and hit the Council table,

Akimichi Choza who had been eating some buttered toast had actually stopped eating and dropped it, showing how shocked he was, since to see a Akimichi dropped food was like seeing a hyperactive Nara.

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