Chapter 17: Gathering.

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-Konoha Hokage's Mansion-

Currently sitting in meeting hall, the Hokage along with all of the Jonin-sensei's of Konoha were gathered together to discuss the up and coming Chunin exam, which was taking place in their village this year.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly..." spoke the Hokage, once all the Jonin-sensei's had gathered, "...Now as some of you may or may not know the Chunin exam are about to take place shortly..."

Upon hearing this, there was a large amount of muttering in the hall as many of the Jonin-sensei's were surprised that it was time for the Chunin exam already. Fortunately though, after a minute or two, things settled down again, where the Hokage then continued to speak.

"...So I would like to hear any recommendations from those of you who believe that their team is ready to compete in the exam".

For the next few minutes a large number of Jonin-sensei's stood up and walked towards the Hokage, were they each recommended them their teams. The most notable of these teams that were recommended, were the three rookie teams from this year's Graduating class. Also to be recommended as well was Naruto, where both Kushina and Yamato went up to the Hokage to recommend him, which of course was no great surprise to the old Hokage, as he knew Naruto could handle himself in the exam.

Naturally after hearing that Naruto and the other rookies were entering the exam, many of the Jonin-sensei's began to talk amongst themselves on how exciting this year's exam was going to be, especially with both the Uchiha and the Senju heirs competing in it.

As the Jonin sensei's talked amongst themselves Iruka, (who was currently sitting next to the Hokage), decided to voice his concerns about Naruto and the other rookie teams entering the Chunin exam.

"Excuse me Hokage-sama, but are you sure that it is wise to have three rookie Genin teams, who only just graduated from the academy less than six months ago? Also if Naruto enters the Chunin exam, then his existence will be exposed to the rest of the world".

"Although I both appreciate and understand your concerns Iruka, the members of teams seven, eight and ten are no longer your students and if their sensei's believe that they're ready to compete, then I'm certain they are. As for Naruto being exposed, I'm afraid that it's already too late for that, as word is already spreading throughout the elemental continent of Naruto's existence" spoke the old Hokage.

"But how?" asked Iruka.

"There are many different ways that it could of spread, for things like this are rarely kept secret forever. Plus the Council has insisted that both Naruto and Sasuke enter this year's exam, and the Shinobi Elders are backing them up one this. As they know how much publicity our village would receive by having the two prodigy heirs of the two founding Clans of Konoha compete in the Chunin exam, while it's being hosted in our village. Already now I've been told that ticket sales for the Chunin finals are already breaking all previous record sales. Yet we're still receiving many more requests, as Daimyo's, lords and influential clients from all around the continent are coming just to see Naruto and Sasuke compete, as the reputation of both the Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan are well known".

"So the boys are being used to increase our village's status" stated Iruka with a frown as he didn't like how the boys were being used.

"I'm afraid that is how the world works Iruka, but even still I've fate that both of them are capable of handling themselves in the exam, as well as the other young rookie Genin", spoke the old Hokage.

At hearing this Iruka relented, as he knew there would be no point in arguing, as the decision had already been made.

As soon Iruka and the Hokage had finish speaking, one of the Jonin-sensei's decided to ask Sarutobi something.

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