Chapter 2: Breaking Point

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Breaking Point

"It is nice to finally get a chance to meet you, Naruto-kun."

The young shinobi immediately turned around. "Sa... Sasuke...?" The Jinchuuriki questioned the figure standing before him. "No... It can't be Sasuke. This guy... His presence is frightening!" Naruto thought. Still, the appearance of the person in front of the genin was eerily similar to Sasuke's, with identical onyx color hair, and a face that would make the girls go crazy.

Taking a closer look, the blond realized several different aspects that prove his first theory wrong. The new comer was taller than Sasuke, had two long streaks between his eyes, and, perhaps the most apparent feature for the spiky haired boy, a scratched Leaf headband. There was no way that this person was Sasuke.

"Oh?" The man's voice snapped Naruto out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry, but I am not my dear little brother..." The stranger added with an amused tone.

The genin's eyes widened at the new revelation. "Brother...? Wait a minute!"

"Naruto..." Sasuke said weakly after been caught by his teammate. "He... He's still out there... My brother..." The wounds that Haku had inflicted on him seemed to be making it hard for the Uchiha to even breathe. "I promised myself that I would stay alive... Until I kill him... Naruto, don't let your dream die..."

This was him. The person who Sasuke wanted to kill so much, he had ended up killing his own personality.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi..." The missing nin casually presented himself. He was wearing a black cloak with a pattern of red clouds around it while a fully matured Sharingan shined ominously in his eyes. "You have no idea how long I wanted to meet you, Naruto-kun." The young man added.

At those words, the blond took a step back. "How do you know who I am?" The young shinobi asked.

The black haired man simply regarded the boy before him for a couple of seconds. "Oh? I know more about you that you may think, Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune." Itachi revealed with a hint of amusement.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. Even if the man in front of him had once being a Leaf nin once, he was too young to have fought the Kyuubi during its original attack on the village, which meant that the knowledge of the fox's true fate should have being kept a secret from him.

"For the expression in your face, I can infer that you already know of the existence of the Bijuu inside of you..." The young man let out a sound that resembled a short laugh. "Figures that they would break their own law." The Uchiha commented.

Narrowing his eyes at the older shinobi, Naruto's anger started to get the best of him. "So what if I know?" He asked. "What's it to you?"

The black haired man gave the faintest of shrugs. "I do not really care if they told you or not..." Itachi confessed. "What I am more interested in is in how much of the Bijuu's power you can control." The missing nin added.

"Control?" The Jinchuuriki thought as his eyes widened once again. "What the hell does he mean by that?" His mind ranted in confusion. The spiky haired boy could remember the power boost he had received from his contact with the fox's chakra during his battle with Haku, but he could not even begin to imagine that such thing could be controlled.

The pair of Sharingan eyes continued to analyze the young shinobi. "It seems that you have already being able to tap into the Kyuubi's chakra." Itachi correctly commented, finding some amusement in the blonde's surprised face. Those who truly knew Itachi would know that he having more fun that he had in years. "That is good, you are already starting to develop you abilities and begun growing into your role as Jinchuuriki, and with the Kyuubi as your Bijuu you will truly become a powerful one." The Uchiha finished.

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