Chapter 10: Proud Eyes

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"This day...came way too fast." Naruto said as he sat up on his bed and looked out the window; the sun completely blinded the blond, the jinchuuriki was forced to close his eyes and open then little by little, so that they would adjust to the brightness on the outside. "I really hate days that are this bright" The genin remarked bitterly.

Naruto moved to the edge of his bed and tried to push himself up. Suddenly, the world completely froze for the blond as he found himself falling towards the floor. Naruto managed to regain control of his body and prevent his face from meeting the floor of his apartment. "What's going on?" The blond asked himself. "Nothing like that has ever happen, there was no pain or anything, just numbness, and the fox has stayed quite, normally he makes some sort of remark about the jolt of pain. This...this must be for a completely different reason..." The boy thought as he went back up on his feet. "What is going to happen today?" Naruto asked as he looked out of the window. Surely, the morning was just too bright.

The girl walked quietly through the halls of her house in search of her father; she finally found him looking at something in the garden. She walked up to him trying to stay quite; she knew that it was of no use and that her father had probably sensed her from the beginning. "Otou-sama?" The girl asked and was taken aback when her father jolted in surprise and turned around.

"Hanabi" Hiashi said to acknowledge his daughter's presences and trying to hide the fact that he had been startled.

The girl looked in the direction her father was staring so fiercely that he had left himself open to any possible attack. There sitting in the Branch Family garden sat her cousin.

Neji was sitting in the ground with his legs crossed and was gathering enormous amount of chakra throughout his body. Hanabi saw as a leaf was about to fall on Neji's shoulder, the black haired boy whispered something before his whole body was covered by chakra, which started to spin around him. The force of the chakra had cut the leaf into many pieces and was blowing everything else away.

"How is it possible?" Hiashi asked, "For him to create such a powerful Kaiten without moving his body at all, what type of training has he undergo in this past month?" The Main Family's head asked.

Hanabi wished she could answer her father, but she was completely hypnotized by the boy from the Branch Family to even try to formulate an answer.

"Did his hatred for the Main Family drive him to this point?" Hiashi whispered to himself.

"Do you really think he'll make his move today?" Jiraiya asked as he leaned against the window's frame in the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi removed the pipe from his mouth before responding. "I wouldn't doubt it; it would be the best time to try something like that." The Sandaime took a scroll from the cabinet and let it roll for the white haired sannin to catch it. "Please give this to Naruto when you deem the time is right." The older man requested.

Jiraiya examined the scroll on his hand with confusion until he finally figured out what it was. "You can give it to him yourself, it's not like you're going anywhere, right?" The white haired mans said as he looked at his former sensei, the look on his eyes was one of pleading for reassurance.

"Please," Sarutobi began. "For Minato-kun's and my sake, just in case..." The Sandaime said.

Jiraiya couldn't remember seeing his sensei this old before. The sannin sighed before securing the scroll in his vest's pocket. "Very well, I'll guard the scroll for now."

"Thank you Jiraiya-kun." The Sandaime said as he smiled at his former student.

The white haired sannin glared at the Hokage. "I though I told you to cut that '-kun' thing years ago." Jiraiya said as he crossed his arms and stood indignantly, all in an attempt to lighten the mood in the room.

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