Chapter 11: Not Far from You

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"Now" Naruto started again. "I'm not going to hide it anymore." Neji could see the gathering of chakra around the blonde's eyes. "I want you to take a good look at them Neji" The genin continued. "The eyes, that unlike you, I'm not proud of!" Naruto finished as he raised his head and looked at Neji straight in the eye.

Neji along with everyone in the stands gasped as one word entered all of their minds "Sharingan".


"I don't understand; those are Uchiha's eyes..."

"Those can't be real, that has to be one of the brat's tricks"

"Is he really an Uchiha?"

"Is this a trick from the fox? That brat cannot have the Sharingan!"

"I thought that there was only two Uchiha left"

"What's going on here?"




"Those eyes..."

The sound of a rock crumbling was heard throughout the stadium. Immediately, the eyes from everyone in the audience shifted from the blond to the terrace. "Sasuke..." Sakura whispered, she had feared that something like this would happen.

The place were Sasuke's hand was lying was surrounded by dust and pieces of the terrace were falling into the arena. Sakura had to retain a gasp as her eyes focused on the raven haired boy's. Sasuke's Sharingan had been activated; both eyes were shaking with fierce intensity as they stare at the blond genin down at the arena.

Sasuke did not completely understand, he remembered when his father told him about their bloodline, he remembered the day he had achieved his Sharingan, those eyes had awaken to save Naruto.

Beyond his feeling of confusion, the raven haired boy felt kind of happy, maybe, just maybe, he was not alone as he believed. The thought of another Uchiha filled the genin with hope.

The feeling of happiness was soon overshadowed by the stronger feeling of confusion, the fact that a new Sharingan had appeared before him had sent the Uchiha into shock, Sasuke had yet to realize that his body was trembling uncontrollably, his fist tightened to a critical point, and his Sharingan eyes fixed on his teammate.

Back in the arena, Neji had been able to keep his posture, but his mind was just as confuse as the rest of the villagers. "Is this some kind of trick?" The Hyuuga thought as his Byakugan looked directly at the blond in front of him. "This is not a genjutsu, I would have been able to notice if he had cast one." The prodigy came to that conclusion. "What are you planning?"

"It's really careless of you to let your guard down at this point of the match." Naruto's voice reached Neji's ears; immediately, the black haired boy's eyes widened as he realized that the blond had appear behind him. Neji managed to jump out of the way less than a second before Naruto had swiped his arm right through where the Hyuuga had been standing.

Naruto's eyes moved upward as his Sharingan bore into the still airborne genin just as Neji's Byakugan was directed at Naruto.

A second later, the blond appeared right in front the Hyuuga, driving his fist right towards the prodigy's face. Neji was obliged to block the punch with his right forearm due to the attack's great speed.

Even if the black haired genin was able to prevent the full impact of the attack from connecting, the punch had been strong enough to send the Hyuuga flying towards the wall at the edge of the arena.

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