Chapter 38: Assault on the Ice Fortress

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Even having her own personal fire was proving ineffective here in Snow Country as Shion could not warm herself at all. Sitting there in a cave about an hour from Yukigakure, the priestess was seriously considering plunging her hands into the live flames in an effort to finally feel something in the tip of her fingers again. Glancing to the side, the girl could see her three companions next to a second fire as they hunched over a map that Sandayu-san had given them.

From where she was sitting, Shion could see the spiky haired boy squinting his eyes as he strained himself to look at the map. Naruto's eyesight had finally returned, albeit only partially. The young man had serious problems looking at things in bright places, as light still caused some degree of pain in his eyes, and he still could not use his dojutsu.

"By now, Sandayu-san should have made contact with his allies in the countryside." Shion heard Lee comment.

Shino nodded. "Yes, they will move towards the coastline as soon as possible." The Aburame said. "This should confuse them and, hopefully, it would draw some attention away from the movie crew." He commented as he pushed his sunglasses back. The priestess wondered how he could even see inside the cave with them on.

"So we move in at sunrise." Naruto stated as he looked over the map. "Let's go over the plan one more time before we..." The blond started to say but was interrupted as Shion moved towards their fire and sat next to him.

"Why are you waiting for the morning?" The girl asked, vaguely noticing that she felt quite a bit warmer sitting next to her fellow blond. "I thought you guys said that it was better to act at night... Less chance of people spotting you and all that..."

A slightly exasperated sigh escaped the spiky haired teen. "Usually that's the case, but here in Snow Country things work a bit different." He answered.

The priest gave the ninja a confused look.

Before the girl could ask for an explanation, Shino cut in. "Allow me to explain, Shion-sama." The Aburame offered. "While you are correct in assuming that stealth missions are easier to carry out at night, Kazahana Doto's stronghold is closed tight after sundown during this time of the year because of this land's extremely low temperature and recurrent snow storms." The brunette explains. "Thus, a tough location to break into is rendered nearly impenetrable at night." He added.

"Plus, it is very tough for us to move in the middle of a snow storm." Lee cut in. "None of us have any experience working in this terrain."

Shion nodded in understanding at the Leaf ninjas' explanation. The movie company had provided them with warmer cloths and even thick cloaks for the cold, but even inside a cave and next to a fire they could barely keep them warm, so the young woman could not imagine trying to brave a blizzard with just them.

"Anyway...! Back to the plan." Naruto called attention back to himself. "At first light, Shino will cause a distraction to the east of the fortress." The blond stated as he pointed at a spot in the map with his finger and his eyes looked at the Aburame. "Hit them hard and get out fast. You have to make to Point Two as soon as possible."

Shino simply nodded and pushed his sunglasses up.

"Lee, you will be in Point Two, west of the castle." Naruto said as he turned his gaze towards the Taijutsu user. "About twenty minutes after Shino starts his diversion, you have to make sure that Yuki forces see you, but don't engage them directly until Shino gets there, after that, it would be up to the two of you to make sure their attention stays there. Ensure they think that you guys are the real assault." The Uzumaki stated.

"Yosh!" Lee exclaimed. "Don't worry, Naruto-kun, we'll take care of it." He proclaimed.

The spiky haired boy nodded. "Between this and Sandayu's attack at the coast, it should be enough chaos for me to break into the fortress and rescue Sakura and everyone." All three genin nodded in agreement.

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