Chapter 3: Bloodlines Combined

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Naruto stood in the middle of a small crater gazing up at the sky, his eyes looking through the clouds, and setting on a bright and imposing moon. Ever so slowly, the Jinchuuriki's eyes lowered and focused on the former Leaf nin in front of him.

The Uchiha's Sharingan eyes widened in shock at the sight before them. "Impossible... There is no way...." He muttered. "How can he...?" Itachi's eyes gazed directly into the genin's.

The blonde's eyes no longer held their shining sapphire hue. Instead, just like the boy's chakra, they had taken a dramatically darker tone into navy blue. Still, the most surprising and prominent features presented in Naruto's gaze were the three white commas accompanied by a white dot that appeared in both eyes.

"How can he have the Sharingan...?" The Akatsuki member questioned in astonishment.

Snapping out of his trance at the older shinobi's voice, Naruto's mind tried to process what the missing nin's words had meant. "Sharingan... What is he talking about...?" The Jinchuuriki looked at this surroundings and he immediately sensed something was odd. To the young blonde's eyes, it was as if everything around him was in slow motion. Not a singly detail escaped the boy's gaze, from the fluttering leaves to the swaying branches, his eyes were capturing anything and everything.

A couple of feet away Itachi was finally starting to recover from the shock brought about by the new development. "This certainly complicates things..." His Mangekyou narrowing as he reanalyzed the situation. "No matter what, I must act quickly now, otherwise..." The black haired man murmured to himself.

Naruto had already completely forgotten about the missing nin that had being torturing him a few moments ago. Instead, the blonde's eyes gazed around in a new trance. When his eyes finally caught sight of the strangely shaped Sharingan once again, the Jinchuuriki heard the word that had ignited his hell.


Immediately, the sky above the genin started to change. Dread started to seep into the young boy at the idea of spending anymore time that dark and cruel world, but no matter how much he searched his mind, he could not think of a way to stop the genjutsu.

"Kit, your eyes! Send chakra to your eyes now!" A voice thundered inside Naruto's head.

The Jinchuuriki was taken back by the sudden intrusion of his thoughts. "Who are you?" The boy asked. "Why are you in my head?" Despite not getting any answer, the blond decided to worry about it latter and follow the voice's advice nevertheless and channeled chakra towards his eyes.

Suddenly, some sort of flash of light went off in the clearing and Itachi found himself being thrown backwards, his back soon hitting a tree. "What?" The Uchiha's mind raged. "Did the fox do this?" He wondered as he looked at the Leaf nin standing in front of him. "No... Only another Mangekyou could throw off the Tsukuyomi so easily..." The shocked missing nin reasoned.

The new turn of events filled the blond with confidence. Deciding to go into the offensive, Naruto took out a kunai and charged towards the black haired man.

Letting his trained reflexes take control, Itachi immediately took out a kunai of his own and brought it forward to block the incoming attack.

Both blade clashed with each other and sent a small shockwave through their surroundings. Because of his smaller size, Naruto was thrown back by the backlash of the impact, but landed safely on his feet while Itachi simply lost his balance and fell back against the tree again.

"Damn it! My chakra is already running low after using Tsukuyomi..." The former Konoha shinobi thought. "Damn you, Kisame... You were supposed to be here be here, you know how important this is." The Uchiha thought of his partner somewhere in the Land of Waves paying his respects to the grave of an old comrade. Fighting back the growing fatigue, Itachi stood up once more and straightened his cloak. "Well, Naruto-kun, this truly is an unexpected turn of events; you having the Sharingan, I mean." The Uchiha said casually. "To say it has complicated my plans would be an understatement." A small, ominous smirk appeared on the young man's face.

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