Chapter 13: Hear My Existence

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The clearing remained silent as the Nara waited for the attack to come. "Hey! What's going on?" The Sound leader exclaimed, looking in the direction of his comrades.

"Oh, you're talking to this guy?" A voice was heard throughout the clearing. The next moment, the body of a Sound nin fell to the ground with a kunai impaled into his neck. "Sorry, but the two of us got into a disagreement." Naruto said as he landed next to the body.

"Who are you?" One of the Oto shinobi asked, fear was starting to appear in his eyes.

The blond ignored the question as he walked towards the Nara. "Pretty decent performance, for a second there I was worried that you would throw the towel before I got here." The boy commented.

Shikamaru smirked. "I knew you wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I've done it, it would have been too troublesome having you criticize me everyday at my grave." The black haired boy simply said.

A smirk appeared in blonde's face as well. "That's true." He said as he turned to look at the group of Oto shinobi. "But you can let go of the jutsu now." The Sora Sharingan appeared on Naruto's eyes. "I have them in my sight..." The boy announced.

The Oto nins felt fear overcome them as they saw their reflection on the blonde's Sharingan eyes. One by one, the Sound shinobi dropped to the ground unconscious.

"What did you do to them?" Shikamaru asked astonished as he looked at the unmoving bodies all over the clearing.

Naruto rubbed his eyes due to the strain caused by his technique. "I sent them to hell..." The blond genin simply said. The genin walked towards the leader of the Oto group and searched his pouch. "Here" The boy threw a soldier pill towards Shikamaru.

The Nara caught the pill and ate it. "You said that you were worried that I might have given up." The black haired boy said. "For how long have you been here?" He asked, already preparing the glare.

The blond simply shrug. "For a couple of minutes." He stated as he took another soldier pill from the Sound nin's pouch and ate it. "Long enough to hear your 'It's Over' speech." A smirk appeared on his face. "Nice piece of work, if this whole shinobi deal doesn't work out, you could become a writer; I have some connections, I could get you a publisher." Naruto mocked his friends.

Shikamaru glared at Naruto, he had expected something like this already.

"Well, we should get going." The blond said as he started. "We're in the middle of a chase after all." He said as he jumped on a tree branch.

The black haired boy sighed before jumping on another branch and resuming his pursuit while muttering. "Troublesome"

Naruto turned around to follow the Nara, but looked back before starting on his run. The blonde's eyes regarded the Oto nins' bodies with utter contempt. "Amaterasu..." The boy said with a whisper right before black flames appeared on the clearing and consumed the Sound shinobi's bodies.

"We won't be ridiculed by a child!" One of the Oto nin exclaimed as he charged towards Neji with a kunai in his hand.

The young Hyuuga merely tilted his body forward, and with a fluid movement of his left arm, he deviated the attack away from him by simply pushing the Sound shinobi's forearm.

The Oto nin tried to regain his composure by doing a roundhouse kick, but his leg was easily caught by Neji, who delivered a swift juuken strike on the Oto nin's chest, sending him flying backwards.

Immediately, the third Sound shinobi appeared behind the black haired boy, a kunai traveling in direction of the Hyuuga's neck.

Right before the blade pierced the Konoha genin's skin, a chakra sphere formed around his body, repelling the Oto nin back. "Kiba, take Hinata-sama to the Hyuuga household." Neji said without turning around. "I'll hold them off..."

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