Chapter 12: Crumbling Leaf

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A huge amount of chakra started to gather in the raven haired boy's hand. "Right now, you might have surpassed me, but know this..." The lightning appeared once again but not only in his palm, this time it kept increasing to the point where it was no longer in his hand but it completely covered the Uchiha's body. "I'm not far from you!" Sasuke's chakra burst and shot into the sky.

The crowd in the stadium gasped at the tower of lightning that had formed out of the raven haired boy's body.

Sasuke brought his arm forward, willing the chakra pillar to twist, forming a spiral. The end of the column started to change; the spectators could discern what seemed to be eyes and fangs as the chakra took the form a dragon's head. "Raikiri Ryuu!" The Uchiha shouted as the head at the end of the spiral let out an intimidating roar.

"Incredible..." Gai thought as he watched in amazement his rival's student. "To be able to manipulate chakra like that at such a young age..." The jounin looked to his right, and to his surprise, his grey haired comrade had an extremely concerned look on his face. "Is it that much of a burden...?" The man thought as he went back to watch the arena.

By now the dragon had taken form completely, it was several feet long, the head was almost the size of a small horse, its long body came down in a spiral that ended in the Uchiha's left hand. The serpentine body had remained moving since it's creation as the head seemed to be tilting towards the sand golem in from on it.

The raven haired genin tightened his hold on the chakra flow, causing the dragon to roar again. "...This..." Sasuke voice came strained as he tried to ignore the building pain in his body, specially his left shoulder. " power!" The boy exclaimed as he rapidly lifted his left arm and brought it back down again, immediately the chakra dragon shot forward and rammed its head against the sand giant, pushing the golem back.

Naruto gritted his teeth; he didn't need his Sharingan to see how Sasuke's body was shaking from all the strain caused by the jutsu. "How far are you planning on going?" The blond whispered softly. Unknowingly to him, his hand right hand was cracking the ledge of the balcony out of unconscious concern.

The Uchiha refused to lessen the force with which he was pushing the chakra dragon against the golem, though now the sand monstrosity was starting to push back as Gaara's insane laughter was heard once again. "Hahaha...This is power? To us, this is nothing!" The redhead shouted from inside the sand.

The giant grabbed the dragon by its neck and pushed it away from its sand body.

"No..." Kakashi whispered as his worry increased.

"What's happening?" Gai asked looking at his friend again.

The grey haired man sighed as he close his eyes. "Think about Sasuke's dragon" The lazy jounin started. "What characteristic of it had you caught onto?" Kakashi asked as opened his eyes and looked at his comrade.

Gai pondered in thought for a couple of seconds as he went over everything he had seen about the chakra dragon in his head. Suddenly, the eccentric jounin's eyes widened. "It has never stopped moving." The man declared.

Kakashi nodded. "Though Sasuke is able to manipulate the lightning chakra into taking the form of a dragon, he's unable to maintain it stable. He needs to sustain a constant movement in order to keep the chakra flowing and for the dragon to stay alive." He explained. "If Gaara is able to hold down the dragon and keep it from moving, even for a second, then this match would be over." The gray haired man informed.

The sand giant raised the dragon higher as it prepared to slam the lighting incarnation into the ground. Moving his left arm back, Sasuke managed to release the dragon from the golem's grip.

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