Chapter 29: Arm of an Angry God

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Wet footsteps echoed in the semi-flooded hallway. "Well... This was an unexpected turn..." A deep voice said into the empty space.

In the darkness, a pair of red, canine eyes scanned the walls around them. The old and poorly lit hallway seemed even more battered and dark that it had ever been. It was almost as if a destructive explosion had gone off in it.

"It seems that the spike of chakra was too much for the Kit." The voice reasoned. "The power surge caused severe damage to this place... Who knows what it did to his chakra pathways." He added with just the smallest hint of concern in his tone.

A clawed, furry hand reached out to something under the water. "Huh? I guess this is all the remains of that bastard's seal... It was finally destroyed completely." The voice said as he brought up the broken wooden plank. "Not that I can do anything with that anymore." Kyuubi commented as he continued to look at what remained of his former jail.

This particular part of Naruto's psyche seemed to have received the brunt of the backlash caused by the forceful introduction of the fox's chakra into the young human's pathways and was throw so deep into his consciousness that Kyuubi could no longer sense him or the world outside.

"Ok, Kit, you're on your own for a while." The Bijuu said, wishing that his host would hear him. "Try not to get yourself killed again." He added.

Weakly, the raven haired genin opened his eyes and looked at the other Leaf shinobi. "Naruto...?" He was able barely able to mutter.

"It's over..." The blond stated. "It's over now..." The Uzumaki said wearily as he pulled his fist out of the rock.

Sasuke continued to look at his teammate and struggling to remain conscious. Suddenly, the Uchiha's eyes widened as he pushed his body forward. "Look out!" He exclaimed before pushing Naruto out of the way.

The spiky haired teen was caught by surprise and all he could do was watch in horror as Sasuke was impaled by a barrage of bone-like projectiles that was meant for him. "Sasuke!" Naruto shouted in disbelief before catching his teammate as he fell back.

"My, my... This simply will not do." A vaguely familiar voice reached the Jinchuuriki's ear causing him to look up at its source. On the other side of the lake, an older shinobi with gray hair and glasses stood watching the two Leaf genin with a smirk on his face. "I can have Sasuke-kun dying on me right now, so could you please hand him over to me, Naruto-kun? After all, it is your fault that he is so gravely wounded since that attack was meant for you." He stated.

The blond gritted his teeth. "Kabuto...!" The Sharingan user spat out. Glaring at the Sound shinobi from across the lake, the boy noticed the loose bandages wrapped around Kabuto's left arm. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw bones sticking out of the Missing nin's forearm.

Noticing what the blond was looking at, Kabuto's smirk widened. "Oh? You noticed, didn't you?" He said raising his left arm. "I take it you met Kimimaro early, so you must know about his bloodline limit. Orochimaru and I both agree that it would have been a shame for it to die with him, so we preformed a couple of experiments with his blood." The gray haired man said as he willed the sprouting bones to continuously change in size. "I managed to isolate the part of the Kaguya DNA that controls this ability and I'm currently testing on how to integrate it to others, so far it is only localized to my arm and..." The bespectacled man suddenly started laughing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ramble on, I'm just particularly proud of this accomplishment."

All that Kabuto's words accomplished was intensifying Naruto's glare.

"Anyways, back to the matter at hand." The gray haired man suddenly started again. "As you can see, Sasuke-kun is in a very precarious situation. However, what you may not know is that I am a pretty accomplished medic and I could save his life if you simply hand him over and walk away." He offered with a kind smile. "I even promise not to attack you as you make your way back to the village." The smile widened.

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