Chapter 24: Let the Caged Bird Sing

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"So, if you want him..." Neji finally spoke. "You will have to go through us." The Byakugan user firmly declared.

A light snicker escaped Sakon's lips. "We do not need to." The blue haired man nonchalantly turned his head to look at his female teammate. "Tayuya... Bind them..." He commanded.

Smirking, the kunoichi brought her flute to her mouth. "Mateki: Mugen Onsa!" She called out before starting to emit sound from her instrument.

Kiba and Akamaru were the first ones to feel the effects of the attack. "Gyargh! My body!" The Inuzuka screamed as the small white dog yelp in pain.

Before the others could react to their friend's predicament, the remaining Leaf nins found themselves with their limbs bound by an unseen force as pain ran rampant through their bodies.

Out of sheer force of will, Naruto managed to bring his hands up to his ears in an unsuccessful attempt to drown out the sound. "Hahah, that's useless, you retard!" Somehow, the blond could hear the redhead's voice through the melody. "My genjutsu travels in vibrations directly through the skin! Blocking your ears will do you no go, you poor bastard!" She gleefully and mockingly exclaimed.

"A wonderful melody." Sakon praised as he smirk wickedly at the struggling Konoha shinobi. "Now, Kidomaru, if you please."

The tanned man sighed. "I don't like this kind of tactics... It feels like a cheat code, but I guess a guy has to do what a guy has to do." He said before forming hand seals and taking air in. "Kumo Shibari!" Kidomaru shot another spider web towards the Uchiha.

Before the net could approach its target, it was caught by sudden powerful gust of wind that tore it apart. "I told you... That you would have to go through us to get to Sasuke..." Neji said with a low but firm voice as he stood up, apparently no longer affected by the sound based jutsu.

There was a small hiccup on the melody. "What? How is it not affecting him?" Tayuya's voice shouted through the music. The Kunoichi increased the tempo of her genjutsu and concentrated it on the insolent genin.

Still, the Hyuuga remained standing, staring down the three Oto nins and seemingly unhindered by the genjutsu. "Your sound..." Neji said as his body started to glow. "I can't hear it."

Tayuya's eyes widened. "What?" She screamed through the sound of her flute.

Unlike his teammate, Kidomaru grinned wickedly as he regarded the younger teen. "Heh... Someone seems to be leveling up as we speak." He commented. "But how?" The tanned man asked as he looked at his leader.

Sakon's eyes narrowed. Though it was extremely faint, he could sense something coming from the Leaf genin. "Incredible..." The blue haired teen muttered. "Not only was he able to fully discern the rhythm of Tayuya's song... But he's also able to emanate chakra from every part of his body at the exact same rate." The pale man explained.

"That bastard!" The redhead shouted without ever stopping to play her instrument.

Neji continued to stand defiantly between the remaining members of the Sound Four and his incapacitated comrades. "I have to find a way to stop that flute..." The Hyuuga thought as his white eyes settled on the kunoichi.

"I kind of like him!" Kidomaru suddenly stated. "I want to see what other kind of stunts he can pull out!" The strange man said before, in one swift movement, he pull out his bow and shot an arrow aimed the Leaf nin.

The black haired boy barely had time to form the Fudou Kaiten around him to stop the incoming projectile. "Damn it...! I cannot waste my time we him! I have to take stop that song!" Neji's mind raged.

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