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[2016 - post CACW]

Set foot on Midgard, Lady Sif was mentoring Icelynn in training to become a warrior. And to help her control her powers.

There had been an order from Odin that a prisionor had escaped and fled to Midgard.

The job was perfect for Icelynn as a training session. She's young and naïve.


Chasing after the escaped Asgardian prisoner in Paris, France, Icelynn used her power to create an ice blockage and two icicles.

Doing what Sif says, Icelynn aimed for both legs. With her aim, she throws one after the other. Hitting the prisoner dead on in the legs.

The prisoner immediately froze in place for a quick second before falling to the ground.

Lady Sif and Icelynn runs over, Sif grabs him by the collar. But before she could speak a word, there was another voice.

"Who are you and what do you want?" A man's voice asked.

The two Asgardians turn around to see two men and a woman standing there. They seemed suited up. Sif handled the suituation.

"We mean no harm to you. My name is Lady Sif, and this is Icelynn, daughter of Thor. We are from Asgard."

One man and the woman glance to each other in disbelief. "Impossible. Thor has neither a wife or kids, so tell us who you really are." The woman stated as she looks back to them.

"I choose to stay hidden from Midgard and my father wore to never tell." Icelynn spoke up, "I know who you are... Captain America.. Black Widow. And I'm sorry, I don't know you."

The man shrugged it off. The other man glanced to the prisoner, "what are you doing with him?"

"He is an escaped prisoner. Odin ordered Icelynn to bring him back, but I came along to help train her." Sif said.

The prisoner had tried to fight back in his weaken state, but Sif punched him unconscious.

Black Widow nodded her head, "you seem like a decent fighter." She gestured to Icelynn.

The younger Asgardian eyed her. "I'm 630 years old. I haven't been training for long, and I need to have a control on my powers."

Captain America slowly approached, "what are your powers?"

"Ice. However, my title is 'Goddess of Winter'."

"We can help you focus on your power, if you'd let us."

Icelynn looked over to Sif, who raised her eyebrows. She knew the look on her face. "Are you serious? Icelynn, the safest place for you is on Asgard, where we know more of what you are dealing with."

The younger Asgardian scoffs, "oh, come on, Sif. I have decent control, and I'd love to explore Midgard. I have my guides there," she gestured towards the superheros. "Not to mention, I needed to get out of Asgard for a while."

Sif was still on edge. "How long do you plan on staying?"

Icelynn shrugged, "a few months? A Year?"

Sif rolled her eyes, "alright fine. I can't believe I have to tell your father about this."

"At least he knows I'm in safe hands."

Walking the back all of them just came with the prisoner in hand, she looks up to the four of them. "Step back." She warned.

Sif then looks up to the sky and calls for Heimdall, soon opening the BiFrost. Making her and the prisoner disappear.

The three of them all turn to Icelynn. Unsure what to say or do next. The man who wore red and goggles spoke up, "so Thor really named you after your exact powers?"

"He didn't know what my powers were until they happened. And secondly, it was my bestemor who suggested the name to my far."

Black Widow pulls Captain America to the side to chat. The other man joins them as Icelynn waits for them.

It wasn't long until they all turn back to the young Asgardian. "Alright." Cap said, "you can stay with us for the time being."

"Thank you." Icelynn said as she follows them.

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