chapter 9

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Rocket talked about the Power Stone. Nebula about the Soul Stone. And Tony, Nat, and Bruce figured out the Time Stone.

They knew where all the stones were. Three stones in New York. One in Asgard. Two in space. On the planets Vormir and Morag.

New York 2012. Asgard 2013. Space 2014.

The group assembled the teams as Scott goes to find Icelynn. Which didn't take long to find her, finding her outside sat the bench.

"Hey," Scott greeted softly.

Icelynn wiped her tears, not responding. Scott contuined, "we're, uh, ready with the plan. To time travel. Now, no one will force you if you don't want to go.. I'm just letting you know."

"I wanna go.." she said softly, nodding. "I need to say goodbye to my home."

"Okay. Let's go put on our suits." Scott held out his hand.

Icelynn looked up at him, taking his hand for a help up. She goes in for a hug, which Scott didn't back out of. "Thank you.."

"Thank me? For what?"

Icelynn took a step back, shrugging. "Being the one to come and get me when my father should've... instead, he's drunk."

"Words from a father?" Scott asked, "all of us have a low point. Give him time."

"It's been five years. I gave up after two.."


The whole team were all suited up in the Quantum time travel suits. They walked up on the machine as Bruce went to deal with the controls.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck." Steve said.

"He's pretty good at that." Rocket admitted.

"Right?" Scott had a smile, looking beside him to Icelynn who nodded in agreement.

"All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, jolly green." Tony said, referring to Bruce.

"Tractors engaged."

Natasha smiled, "see you in a minute."


Traveling through Quantum Realm, growing small then back to normal size, it was all an adventure for everyone.

Icelynn, Thor, and Rocket appeared inside the palace of Asgard near the dungons. All three of them sneaked past the cells... Loki's cell.

Icelynn could barely hold it together.. she's luckly to get the chance to see her home one more time. A real, final goodbye this time.

The three of them make their way near a pillar just meters away from where Jane Foster is in a room. Thor pointed her out, "that's Jane."

"Alright, here's the deal." Rocket spoke up to the two Asgardians. "Thor, you're gonna charm pretty pants there, and I'm going to poke her with this thing," he held up a device. "then we'll get the Reality Stone and be gone just like that."

"I'll be right back, okay? There's a wine cellar, that's just down there. My father used to have this huge barrel of Aakonian ale. I'll see if the scullery has a couple of to go cups..." Thor starts walking off.

Rocket whisper yelled to him, "hey! Hey! Aren't you drunk enough already?"

Icelynn rolled her eyes, having this expectation towards her father. "Of course he is. Has been for five years. I'm sure we can just do this ourselves, Rocket."

Before anyone can respond or act, a door opens as the trio tries to stay out of sight. A small group of women come walking through the halls.

Thor and Icelynn froze as they see who came walking in their sight. Frigga.

"Who's the fancy broad?" Rocket asked.

"That would be my bestemor." A different but familar voice said.

Turning their heads at the same time, the trio sees the 2013 version of Icelynn. She formed an icicle in hand, pointed it at 2019 Icelynn.

"Come with me, imposter. I have questions for you." 2013 Icelynn grabbed 2019 version and dragged her away.

"Icelynn!" Thor whispered as loud as he could.

Rocket held him back, wanting to contuine with the mission. '13 version dragged '19 version towards the dungons. To Loki.

'13 version held '19 version right in Loki's vision. "Uncle, look who I caught. Some imposter who poses as me. Show yourself!"

Icelynn didn't know how to react. Seeing her uncle again in years. She never got to say a goodbye. She gulped, seeing him in plain sight.

'19 raised her hands in defense, "I'm not imposter. I come from the future... is there anyway I can prove that?"

'13 Icelynn turns to Loki, who stands near the barricade. He gets a good look at '19 version of his niece. "In the future, what happens to yourself?"

"Three years from now, we were sent on a mission to track down an escaped Asgardian prisoner. We run into father's friends from Earth, the Avengers. We join them. Asgard gets destoryed, and Thanos comes down to Earth. Kills half our people, then he snaps half of Earth popular with all six stones."

Loki's face expression changed once he heard the name. Thanos. He gets a closer look at '19 version of Icelynn. "Hm. What's my future like?"

"Okay, well first of all.. bestemor?" '19 looks to her younger self. "She dies today by a Dark Elf." She glances between the two. "And Uncle? You fake another death until you reveal yourself later on, you help my father take down the Goddess of Death.. Hela, and had to proceed with Ragnarok to kill her. Making your way to Earth, you get ambushed by Thanos. He steals the Tesseract and he kills you.. and kills Heimdall too."

'13 version and Loki share a look. '19 glanced between the two once more, "I'm not lying, I swear to you! You have to believe me!"

However, not believing a word, '13 version forced her other self against the barricade to harm... herself. '19 version groaned in pain.

"That's enough, darling." Loki stated. '13 version let '19 version go, but not out from her own hands. "Let her go.."

"Are you kidding, uncle? No way!"

"Darling.. let her go. I want to speak with her and knowing you, you won't run away.."

'13 takes her hands off her older self. She takes a step away, still eyeing herself.

'19 version nods, going on their terms. But knowing today in 3... 2... 1... her father would be calling for her.

"Snowflake?" '13 Thor calls out. He calls her once more.

"I need to go. You best be polite." '13 version stated before going off, out of sight.

Loki and '19 Icelynn turn to each other. An awkward encounter now. "So, it really is you.."

Icelynn nods, "from 2019. Yes."

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