chapter 2

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Icelynn needed time to herself. She could hear muffled voices from the group, talking about the current situation.

With the story she heard, she wasn't phased about hearing Loki's name. Now that she knows he's still alive and not dead.. again.

She sniffled as she grazes her fingers over a necklace she had hidden in her armor. It was a gift from Thor, from Earth.


That is what it said on the necklace. It's important to her, having that as a nickname that came from only Thor.

Icelynn lifted her head to see the group started to head out. Steve turns to her, "are you up to fight in a war, kid?"

She stood up and shrugged as she sighed, "I fought in battles on many realms. I don't see how this one would be different than others."

"Alright, then. Let's go."

≈≈≈ meanwhile ≈≈≈

Thor, Rocket, and Groot were on their way to a planet, Nidavellir. The most terrifying weapons ever created in the universe.

Rocket walks to the back of the ship and presses buttons as he talks to Thor, "so, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying."

"Well, he's been dead before, but this time I think it really might be true." Thor said, looking down.

"And you said your sister and your dad?"

"Both dead."

"Still got a mom, though?"

"Killed by a dark elf."

"A best friend?"

"Stabbed through the heart."

Thor had been through enough. Rocket took a good look at him, how depressed he looked.

"Any kids?" Rocket asked.

Hesitation, Thor fiddled with his hands. He stood up and looked out into space. Rocket was getting a sign that he had one.. or more.

"A daughter." Thor stated. "She's beautiful.. I haven't seen her in a few years.. she's alive and well, staying with the Avengers. God, I hope she's okay." He mumbled the last part.

"Are you sure you're up for this particular murder mission? I'm sure your kid would want to see you again.."

"Please stop talking about her, okay? We're going to Nidavellir to get me a new hammer and we'll go find Thanos and kill him."

"It better be some hammer.."

≈≈≈ meanwhile ≈≈≈

Arriving to Wakanda, everyone walks out of the quinjet. Steve greets himself to a man. The King, T'Challa, Icelynn was imformed of.

"So how big of an assult can we expect?"

"Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault." Bruce answered as most of the group walks into Wakanda.

Sam, Rhodey, Icelynn, and another man, who she learned is Bucky stayed back near the enterance. They stood and waited for something to happen.

"How long do we have to sit and wait?" Icelyn asks, "I want to get this over with.."

"We all do, Icelynn." Sam said, "but it takes patience. Lots of it."

Minutes later, the four of them see a huge object coming down towards them. Sam used comms to alert Steve.

"God, I love this place." Bucky said.

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey said.

The four of them see more objects just like the last one, coming for them. They all hit the Earth, outside the safe area.

"Come back by us, we're getting ready to head out to the field." Steve said through comms.

"On our way, Cap." Sam answered.


Everyone was ready on the battle field. Bruce was inside a large, red armor type thing. The Hulkbuster, Icelynn heard of.

T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha walked down towards the border as everyone else stayed until they got orders.

Icelynn sat on top one of the Hulkbuster's shoulders, getting a better view of the whole scene.

"Bruce?" Icelynn asked.


"Tell my father.. if he's still out there.. tell him that if I don't surive this..."

"You will, Icelynn. I'll protect you." Bruce tried to reassure her.

"Tell him- if I die, tell him I love him."

Bruce kept silent. He had nothing to say. He knew Thor was gone.. or what he believed.

T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha walked back up as there were some type of ailen dog-like creatures ramming into the barrier.

The Outriders, what they're called, were slowly getting through. Killing themselves. T'Challa commanded his people to engage shields.

Wakandan warriors were shooting from their weapons, killing the Outriders who surived the barrier.

Bucky shot off his gun, Bruce was shooting from the Hulkbuster, and Icelynn created icicles and threw them.

Steve looked back and up to Icelynn, "are you ready for what we trained for?"

She glanced to him and shook her head, "I can't."

"Yes, you can. Just try."

Icelynn was hesitant, focusing on a new power she learned she had. Making a cloud with icicles raining down.

With her focused mind, Icelynn made circles with her arm. A cloud formed over the Outrider's, getting impailed by spikey icicles.

"How long can you hold it?" Steve asked.

"As long as you want, Cap."

Sam and Rhodey, the only air support they had, we already fighting the Outriders. Mines were dropped by the barrier.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us...There's nothing between them and Vision." Sam said over comms.

"Then we better keep them in front of us."

"How do we do that?" The general of the Dora asked.

"We open the barrier." T'Challa stated. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

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