Times fate

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"dumbass stop running I'm out of breath" said Heidi in a panting voice as she tries to catch up to Jules

"whore I'm not even running" Jules says as she disgustingly blankly stares at Heidi

They finally reach their place, the forgotten lake, it's a normal lake just far in the forest that people forgot it existed.

They both sit down against a tree bark, Heidi pulls out a flask full of whiskey while Jules pulls out 2 cigarettes

Heidi drinks half of the whiskey while Jules lights up a cig

Heidi gives the flask to Jules and Jules drinks but not finishing all of it


Pure silence just two people from different places and stories rethinking their whole life

"You know in the end everyone will part their ways" said Heidi with a sad sigh

"People come and go" said Jules without any sign of emotion

"It's funny" Heidi scoffed

Jules finished the rest of the whiskey wanting to drown her thoughts out

They weren't drunk but it was getting to them a little bit

"It smells like it's gonna rain" said Jules

The air was moist and smelled salty

Heidi scoffed "fucking weirdo"

Soon later it did start to rain heavily which made Jules cig to go out while Heidi already finished hers


Earlier that day

Mouri received a request from a client to go visit him
as always Conan tagged along since it wasn't a school night, while Ran surprisingly agreed to go

Bourbon was still investigating "Mouri" after knowing Conan was in all the incidents of the organizations failed missions, which caught Vermouth guard and decided to tag along with Bourbon as her excuse was "why not? He's my favorite detective"

Vermouth dresses up as a random friend of Amoru named "Emi" while Conan is aware of this that Bourbon is on his tail and figures out Vermouth is in disguise.

Conan tries to change Rans idea to tag along but Ran insists.

Bourbon insists on driving his car to the place while Mouri had no choice but to accept his request

Vermouth (in disguise) and Ran had a very lovely talk about typical lady stuff, they laughed, and joked

Vermouth is aware that Conan knows who she really is but plays it off knowing that Kudo won't make a fuss especially when Ran is here

Bourbon drove while Mouri was dozing off in the passenger seat, in the backseat Conan was shoved in the right corner while Vermouth was in the middle and Ran in the far left

Ran also tried to stay awake but mistakenly was up last night talking to Sonoko about the upcoming exams

Vermouth tucked a strand of Rans hair behind her ear and let Ran soundly sleep on her shoulder

"Oi oi oi" Conan said in a whisper intrigued voice of how Vermouth's acting

Vermouth turns her head around to face Conan  and winks at him then looks away with a big smile on her face

They finally reached the destination a abandon Church

they all stood in front of the Church with an uneasy feeling

"Mouri-San are you sure that's the right address" Amoru smiled in disappointment

"It is" Mouri replies in disappointment as he takes out the address one more time

Conan starts scouting the place not far from the group

"Did u sleep well Ran-chan" Vermouth asked in her sweet disguised voice

"Uh yes thank you very much Emi-San, I hope I wasn't bothering you" Ran said slightly bowing her head

"No not a problem Ran-Chan" Vermouth said and smiled at Ran

It started to Rain Heavily which was now a great time for them to go inside the abandoned Church

It was dirty ofc with broken glass/wood
They all started scouting the place

"What a waste of time" Mouri said in  disappointment

"I don't get it what do they want from you Mouri-San" Amoru said in a questioning voice

"The owner of this church is suppose to be here" Mouri said with a ticked off voice

"Ah Sorry Mouri-san" a mans apologetic voice was heard

"The rain stopped me in traffic!" The man said

It was a 5'10 man in his late 40s, the man the was tan, big body

"I'm Riku Suzuki" the man said in a gentle tone

"Are you related to the Suzuki company family" said Amoru popping his head up

"Well sort of I do have connections to the family company" the man said while smiling

"What made your bring me here" Mouri said in a irritated voice 

The man explains his backstory and reason to call Mouri

They start scouting the Church again with the man

(Author here!!! I won't go into details since I wanna  get into the best parts)

Thunder howled the sky, it was getting real cold and windy

Jules and Heidi decided to go stay at their spot the Abandoned Church

They entered from the back door which didn't make any loud creak noise

Jules and Heidi both lit cig to warm up and planned to just stay the night at the church drinking mini whiskey bottles

She heard them, Jules heard them while Heidi was in her own world

But Jules didn't give two shits so she kept talking with Heidi

The bottle hit the wooden floor hard which made everyone hear it

"Someone's here" Conan said in a worried voice thinking it was BO members

They tried to go downstairs gently but the church was hundreds of years old so it wasn't possible to be sly

They saw a figure of two girls and the girls saw them too...

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now